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to mod or not


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i am getting Oblivion GOTY edition next week and was wondering if i should play the game vanilla first or if the game experience will be better if i install some mods from the very start

was thinking about HGEC and companion mods to be more specific


also if anybody has suggestions as to which mods improve the game experience from the very start id like to hear them


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Welcome to TesNexus


At least start the game with no mods and play a little so you will have an idea of what needs to be changed to suit you.

I recommend starting your modding by installing both OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) and OBSE (Oblivion Script Extender) these are not mods, but utility programs that add to your ability to work with mods.


Feel free to come back here with any questions or problems with your mods.


Then, do not make the noob mistake of installing the most complicated mod you can find first such as FCOM or Deadly Reflex. Start with something simple like a mod that changes only a single object in the game - a simple sword mod or single item of clothing. Then add a house with some things in it. Then a quest mod, and a next a companion mod. When you are comfortable with the process of installing and manipulating mods, then tackle something more complicated - but be prepared to spend some time getting it right - not hours, days.


Also don't install a bunch of mods all at once. This almost guarantees problems. Install each one, then test to be sure it works right before installing another.


I have a set of help files for people who are not computer geeks and are new to mods. They include downloading, extracting (unzipping) installing and activating mods. I have included a simple mod to practice on and instructions for installing and using 7-zip. If you are interested, click on the highlighted link below to be taken to the site where they are kept. I recommend starting with #1 and working your way through them.




If you use them I would appreciate some feedback as to what needs improvement and what works for you.

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The only "mods" strongly "must have" from the start are patches. Also downloading various utilities like Construction Set, Oblivion Mod Manager and Oblivion Script Extender is universally useful for any player with any preferences, though none of those can be considered "mods" and are not needed without mods themselves.


Personally I would recommend a replacer for facial textures and some graphic optimisers for weaker computers, but that's it. Anything else is unnesessary for comfortable playing and can wait. But anyway download those utilities and save for the future.

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thanks for the responses

so far i think i will go with playing it in vanilla for a bit and then get OBMM and OBSE and see how things go from there ill probably try a mod i saw on TES that edits the dunmer race to look more like drow that i cam across while browsing first

thanks again ill be sure to come back when questions pop up

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The mods for Oblivion are extensive. Even if you were able to determine which ones you wanted the bigger problems becomes on getting them to work together.

I got to a boiling point the other day (5 installs) and was ready to chuck the game.


Little calmer now but 'wow' is all I have to say - what a rude awakening/experience to have to go through all that headache.


Eventually I think someone will provide one mod which is composed of the best mods out there BUT with a one click install.


Until then, be very cautious and don't end up like me - Kid in a Candy store installing more mods than I could possibly expect to work.

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i have obmm and obse and HGEC installed so far i tried to get roberts male body to work to use a custom race but that ended in me reintalling the game so ill look arround to see if i can find a race mod that doesnt required roberts

i really like obmm so far makes it a whole lot easier to get things working right

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