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New Galaxy News Radio or NEW RADIO STATION!


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I'm going to go off on a tangent...I'm good at that...so buckle up.


Am I alone when I say that the playlist played in Galaxy News Radio (hereafter known as GNR) is good for the first half hour-full hour of game play then it becomes about as annoying as a cheese grater to one's ear drum?


If I hear 'Let's go sunning' one more time I will find the writers of that song and launch them into the sun...


The next time I hear 'Butcher Pete' I'm cutting off the head of the person closest to me...


And Civilization? Or whatever song that is that I don't even care to take the time to hear the name of...Someone is going to get gang raped by Gorillas in the jungle for the conception of that piece of refuse...


*Bites a steel bar in half*


So basically I propose one of two things.


Let's either make GNR NOT SUCK, or create a new wasteland radio station...


I want Heavy Ripping Metal, goddammit!!! I want riffs...I want raging lyrics (when applicable)...I want shredding!!! It doesn't have to be nonstop hardcore screaming...but I find more satisfaction in blowing off a Super Mutant's head with the Gauss Rifle to Metallica than I do to Beaver Brown and the lame ass *ban me* sucks that accompany him.


Let me also state that I have nothing against music of the era of the 50's, and even appreciate the implementation of it into this game as was with it's two predecessors...but people...there needs to be MORE! Tell me why the hell there isn't another radio station out there...or why the hell GNR's playlist is consistent to the 50's but no other decade when the war didn't happen until 127 years after these songs debuted! And let's not forget the 200 years on top of that since the war...no one ever made more music? BULLSHIT!


They don't need to fight the 'good fight', or even fight the 'bad fight'...just play some awesome friggin songs...and go on about what a badass this lone wanderer dude/dudette is who just keeps going around *ban* peoples' poo up and setting things straight.


I am a good impressionist/singer and am happy to do voice sets. I know %&$! about programming or coding or modding or using GECK in any way and I don't plan to change that any time soon. I'm not interested in hearing how 'great idea, you need to learn code and do it yourself'...If that's all you have to say you obviously mistakened me for someone who gives a rat's ass what you think...


If you'd like to help me either make GNR not suck for so many people that have to listen to this drab garbage and are tired of it...or perhaps create another radio station, building, DJ, staff, and all...This idea is up in the air...and I only recently conceived it after getting a mod to change GNR's playlist to work only to find it's more of that Big Band era garbage I can't take another second of before I go homicidal... :wallbash:


Ideas for songs...other songs from video game classics like Killer Instinct...Mortal Kombat...Primal Rage...anything that just sounds good to death and destruction...give the player behind the 'Lone Wanderer' the feeling like he's a true hardass and earn that right to feel that way by mowing down raiders, slavers, super mutants, ghouls...whatever gets in his sights...Also, I am quite open to hear what all people propose for this...but my main idea is the band PowerGlove who does nonlyrical remakes of classic songs and metalizes the hell out of them.


I think if I do create a new DJ it needs to be the likeness of Duke Nukem...and I do his voice perfectly...so let's set something up!



[email protected]


PS. I don't check this forum often...this is like the second time in months I've been here...if you want to get directly ahold of me the e-mail address is how you do it...I 'may' come back and check here but I get quite carried away sometimes with the real world...(having a life sucks)...so just get in touch!

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Why not just play your own music whilst playing? If i'm in a bad mood whilst playing F3 I just stick a bit of 'War Is The Answer' on and job done. There's not really much need for a new mod.


Also, Beth probably had to pay to use the songs they did. They're probably still paying royalties to the original artists.

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Have you searched Nexus yet? There's probably already mods that add that stuff.


Though I do agree that they really could have done a better job considering there's only like 5 tracks, I think that we're lucky to even have what they put in. Like lionheart said they probably have to pay the artists back, and it's not really that essential.


However, did you notice that most of the other things are 50s styled? The story and background of this game completely changes the path of history, screamo and all that heavy stuff is newer age stuff. Those days didn't occur in the fallout universe. The reason why they didn't add all these different genres is becuase to be slightly relistic here, GNR is scavenging together the very few tracks they could find. People are too busy trying to survive let alone make new songs and record them. Well, you get what I'm saying, anything further would just make me repeat myself.


What REALLY got messed up is the friggen enclave station. I seriously don't get why they put in that stupid ass colonial song to play over and over again. The least they could do was put in like yankee doodle and crap. Either way, they should have put more things for them to discuss on the radio, that's the coolest part in my opinion.


I have to disagree with lionheart, however, because playing your own music is completely different for some people. A mod is not necessary, but it is important to some people because it's pretty cool to just hear a new song playing on the radio while some people are chilling out in Moriarties or whatever. And personally it bugs me when I can't hear people walking around or the gunfire... not sure why.


Personally, I think it's badass to fight like 30 super mutants (MMM) and listen to "Let's Go Sunning" 8)


Well, you should just search GNR on fallout3nexus. I'm sure someone's already done this.

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Once again...that does not accomplish the same affect...


I already do that and it overpowers three dog...I haven't heard everything three dog has to say because of the terrible music that plays in between...I don't mind three dog, it's the songs...and there's so much damn crap to changing them out from what I'm finding out that if I am gonna go to all that trouble I'm going to put some creativity in it and create a new station, a new DJ, and voice it. I want others ideas too on it. I think a metal head DJ in the likeness of Duke Nukem would work good...


The idea still stands

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Allow me to say that at first fighting 30 super mutants to Let's Go Sunning was cool and definitely different...but once I did it a few times it just became old to me...


Also, the whole 'too busy surviving to scav more clips' can be justified in that one badass dude in the likeness scavenged the wasteland or other parts of the world over to get ahold of some kick ass tracks...


You cannot tell me it never happened in the 127 years between 1950 and the day the bombs dropped...metal man...come on.


I give credit to Beth for putting those songs in there...I just think there needs to be more than one radio station. And we don't have to pay royalties on something we're doing for free...so instead of trying to talk me out of it or coming up with some lame alternative...is anyone actually willing to help make this a reality?


I can do the voices of a lot of the characters in fallout 3...the general male ghoul voice, even female ghoul to some extent. The super mutants and fawkes I got down. I am even working on James, the dad. I'm an impressionist and with enough time I can get anyone down. I do a number of voices from family guy, movies, simpsons, south park, beavis and butt-head...mostly for hilarity's sake...but I can make them sound serious...I just so happen to do a rockin impression of Duke Nukem and some of his lines and new ones could suit a metalhead DJ perfectly...

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really, can no one search anymore.


RACE Station: 30 of your own songs. I personally use this



ipip player



exotic dancers mod, adds a radio station with new dj



if you want to go do your own DJ fine, but there are mods that exist for your own songs. and if you use RACE the radio volume goes down when you talk just like the real pipboy.

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Hmmm... I remember seeing a tutorial on how to make one... and I agree with you about the songs...


If you send me a list of songs you'd like, that I can get ahold of legally, then Ill go ahead and make one. Though, it may feature some of my music. Which, while it isnt Metalica, it's not anywhere near "lets go sunning".

And, Id also make a DJ and staff, and of course the radio station. OOOH, it could be guarded by Outcasts, like GNR was by BoS...

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Allow me to say that at first fighting 30 super mutants to Let's Go Sunning was cool and definitely different...but once I did it a few times it just became old to me...


Also, the whole 'too busy surviving to scav more clips' can be justified in that one badass dude in the likeness scavenged the wasteland or other parts of the world over to get ahold of some kick ass tracks...


You cannot tell me it never happened in the 127 years between 1950 and the day the bombs dropped...metal man...come on.


I give credit to Beth for putting those songs in there...I just think there needs to be more than one radio station. And we don't have to pay royalties on something we're doing for free...so instead of trying to talk me out of it or coming up with some lame alternative...is anyone actually willing to help make this a reality?


I can do the voices of a lot of the characters in fallout 3...the general male ghoul voice, even female ghoul to some extent. The super mutants and fawkes I got down. I am even working on James, the dad. I'm an impressionist and with enough time I can get anyone down. I do a number of voices from family guy, movies, simpsons, south park, beavis and butt-head...mostly for hilarity's sake...but I can make them sound serious...I just so happen to do a rockin impression of Duke Nukem and some of his lines and new ones could suit a metalhead DJ perfectly...




"Anything Goes" seems to make climbing through rubble go faster.

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