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Help Needed On Photoshop _n.dds save type


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Hey guys, was looking about the forum but didn't find anything, if I didn't saw it - sorry.


I need a bit help about the ***_n.dds files. I add few tattoos on the ***.dds body texture


(like from http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php...18763&tab=3 - he is explaining how to save the ***.dds one but not the ***_n.dds one and without the 2nd eddited one is the texture on the body looking like ... uhm lets like on drugs .. ^^)


but I also need a texture save as the ***_n.dds one and without that my own tattoo'd texture isn't effecting but if I created one as a _n.dds file ... the body has a kind of shiny style on his self ...



I know the save options like DXT1 (No Alpha) + MIP maps etc. thats not the problem, the filtering is also knew'd "how" to filter and save it ...


(Sry if I confused some ppl... I am sick about this... there isn't a "good" tutorial for modding/changing/editing such things >.> when then only about 50% and then "Look on your self how to set the rest of the data" -.-')


Thank you in advance, to those which are kind :)

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I have now the idea and it works, not only using PS CS3 is the best way (I am better in Gimp and that was the suggest !)

Gimp 2.6 (with .dds plugin and the NormalMap-Filter) is it getting to work !!!


To anybody


Use Photoshop to make the texture with "real" colors and making the rest of it (_n.dds files) with Gimp !!!

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