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Mod Help

Chao God

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I have been making a mod on my laptop for a little while now. I want to transfer the mod file over to my desktop in order to make and interior easier. Anyway I go to the Data folder, but my mod isnt there. The TES CS and Oblivion see it but I do not. Thank you for helping me if you do, sorry for sounding noobish.
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Hm, sounds like vista. Try using the search function (with more options and your whole computer selected)to find it, I know some people know the exact location...some stupid 'local' folder. I forget it every time :)...
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Hm, it would be better to reinstall Oblivion in another, out of the ordinary, directory (non user/program files folder). As vanishing mods isn't the only problem with vista :).. A moderator has made an Reinstall guide, that guides you through that process.

CS gets installed in the oblivion directory....you can't change that. That's why you'd have to reinstall oblivion IF you wanted to change the folder. I would highly recommend to do it.

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