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FNNCQ a complete fallout 3 slavery overhaul


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a complete fallout 3 slavery overhaul


Features: (short description)

O a complete new slavery system where almost every NPC can be enslaved, follow the player, be placed anywhere (also DLC spaces) and !! don't !! get lost, aggressive or loose equipment

O game mechanics (spawn points), original stats and dialogue is not harmed

O 5 following slaves (choose whoever you want)

O slaves have needs and heal while sleeping

O & o slave training. Your slave can be trained for a specific function (O mule, O fighting basic, o housekeeping, ...)

O 2 new places to sell your slaves

O 4 additional “stored” slaves in real functional prison (want to see Burke in prison, now you can)

O 5 additional slaves can be placed everywhere in the game world and stay there with a mobile collar controller without slowdown of the gameplay

O 2 new weapons, 6 new slaver gear items

O several nice looking slave collars and other equipment for slave managment

o fully voice acted (also slave dialogue)


legend: “O” means fully done, “o” in progress



A new shop in Paradise Falls

A nice face but don't ask whats behind it

Do you recognize him?

You have to care for your gods.

Grouse can't wait to get his next victim.



Demo 03 selling, buying & steeling



You can download Version 0.8b here


Features: (long description)

You are able to enslave almost every humanoid in the game (ghouls, humans, no kids!). The exceptions are essential characters (i.e. mainquest) and NPCs from my questmods “Friendly New Neighbors” & “Bingham St.”. The new slaver weapons in FNNCQ work without frenzy or head explode penalties. The original Mesmetron is unchanged.

Untrained slaves “follow” the player but are not companions. They don’t fight, they are cowards. If there is a fight near them they run as fast as they can. Don’t worry you don’t loose them. They can be trained for a specific function more about this later.

You are !!! not !!! loosing your slave while fast traveling with him/her. He/she stays the same npc with the same appearance equipment and stats. No more nasty respawn surprises while you are arriving at your home. But be careful some of your slaves have friends who try to free them.


The standard options for slaves are: (done complete, ideas for new features welcomed)



The slave follows you wherever you go. If you 'loose' your slave open your pip-boy in map mode close it and your slave is back again.


Wait at location (Sandbox)

Slaves use the surroundings (like furniture, eating and other things) while waiting. Again: You are !!! not !!! loosing your slave while letting him/her wait. He/she stays the same npc with the same appearance equipment and stats when you come back and if it is three months later.


Stay (Guard)

The Slave stays at the location and doesn't move (original follower behavior). Did I say: You are !!! not !!! loosing your slave …



If the slave has a camping bed in his inventory he/she builds his/her own bed. Otherwise the slave searches for a unowned bed. While sleeping the slaves heals. For full healing are 9h sleep necessary. Ok I don't say it again or should I? You are !!! not !!! loosing your slave …



You have full control about the slaves inventory



You have full access to the dialogue options of the original NPC. If he/she is a merchant this function is still available. Quest dialogue is also available. So most of the quests are still playable with an enslaved character.

All slaves are fully voice acted. They use their original dialogue lines (idles) and modified original dialogue (raider male/female, enclave male and some male groups are done already) for the new lines. There are more specific options in some special areas of my mod. More abut this later.


A little sidenote about game mechanics:

If your slave dies he/she dies at the actual location. One or two game days later is the dead slave brought back to the original where he / she was enslaved. This is critical to keep the game mechanics alive.

If you sell a respawnable slave to Grouse at Paradise Falls his/her brother/sister never comes back to the original location. You can depopulate whole raider bases with this method. This is original game behavior. I have nothing to do with it (and don't like it BTW.).

If you sell a slave to one of my buyers the slave is used for a function or get killed and his body is transported back to his original location. The better solution.

Some of your slaves maybe have close friends. They try to visit them and travel through the whole wasteland to get to them. A famous example in the original game is Flak & Shrapnel or the wandering merchants. This is no error or bug. You have to deal with them.


Slaver Equipment: (done, I am still open for further ideas)

You can buy all this equipment in the new shop near the main entrance of Paradise Falls. There is no shortage in supplies. The owner has excellent connections to 'The Pitt'.


Slaver Baton (done)

One good aimed hit with the baton and your victim is dizzy and nearly waits for you to enslave him/her. The only downside is you have to go near which can be pretty unhealthy. Don´t lower the weapon after enslaving your victim. It could think you aren't dangerous anymore and cry for help. Give the slave some time to adjust to his/her new situation and leave the area with his/her friends as soon as possible if you plan to holster your weapon. Did I say enslaving is easy ;). The baton makes only a little damage to the victim and is not useful for fighting.


Slaver Dartgun (done)

Not so useful as the slaver baton because it damages the goods much more and you have still to go near for talking after hitting your victim. But this weapon is the only way to stay stealthy as slaver. The same rules for holstering as for the baton are valid with this weapon. It can also be used as normal Dartgun against creatures.


RoWoCo Collar

How the RoWoCo Collar works:

Your original Pip-Boy needs a software update to perform this new functions! With downloading the notes from Donald at the start of the mod this software update is already made for you. A drug is produced and injected automatically by the collar when you put it around the neck of your victim the first time. It is fully obedient afterwards.

A few advices:

Your Pip-Boy can only handle five collars at once. Don't try to enslave more then five at once. The side effects could be very unpleasant.

Sometimes the collar produces a greater electrical shock as designed and can hurt your slave. You can use this 'glitch' to motivate your slave.

If you think you lost your slave while traveling with him/her don't worry. This is not the case! It's the induced paranoia of the drug which causes them to hide. Open and close simply your Pip-Boy in map mode. They get another injection and trust you again. Simple fast and easy.

The collar adjusts itself to the victim. If the victim dies it produces hormones which destroy the delicate chemical system in the collar and it become useless and explodes. The gear that the slave is carrying is destroyed after the explosion. So keep your slave alive if you don't want to loose your collar and gear!

A very few people are allergic to the drug. If this happens their first reflex is to remove the collar which causes their and the collars death.


Slaver RoWoCo Antenna Extension (done)

To use the full potential of the RoWoCo system in your pip-boy you need a antenna extension. It shows you on a status display which slaves are following and which are waiting (wait, guard, sleep). You also get the information how healthy your slave is, if it was trained for a function or if a slave is currently in training.


track collar position (works everytime)

You can track the position of your slave per pip-boy if the antenna is installed. Warning! The slave position is not constantly monitored. The position in your pip-boy map updates after you have made a new scan. You forgot were you parked your slave with the fatman. No problem the tracker tells you in seconds where you can find him.


motivate worker (only if slave is following)

This is a little function to remind the slave of his state. It also helps to identify your victi... / worker.


remove collar (only if slave is following)

If the Antenna is equipped it allows you to set the slave free again without harming the collar. You can set your slave free at any time. If you free a slave he/she finds the way back to the location where you enslaved him/her. I tried to be as compatible as possible here to keep the game alive and functioning. If you stole the slave’s equipment it is now yours. If the slave is wounded, he/she keeps the wounds. It’s your decision in which condition you free your slave. All other stats, package, faction and quest related values are preserved and set back to the values before the enslavement.


The antenna also includes the MCC (mobile collar controller) functions more about these in the MCC documentation.

The antenna should be assigned to a hotkey. Most of its functions don't work if the pip-boy was in map mode before equipping it. You will be informed about this limitation with a message, Setting a hotkey for the antenna avoids this error message and gives faster access to the menu.

The antenna can be stored safely in a container and dropped but you loose some essential enslaving functions if you do so. If you loose it you can't buy another one and should look for a game save before you lost it.


Slaver Whistle (more group commands possible in the future)

One whistle blow and all your slaves come running (if they can hear you) and following you. The whistle don't work if you opened up your Pip-Boy in the map mode. This is intentional. The next update will include a hotkey function for the whistle.


Slave Camping Bed

The camping bed is a portable bed. Drop the box on the floor (the picture of the bed should be on the upside), sneak and activate it to unpack the bed. If a slave has a camping bed in his inventory he/she builds his/her own bed and you don't have to care.


The minimal equipment requirements are:

Baton, Antenna and one RoWoCo Collar.


Mobile Slave Controller (done)

This device allows you to leave a group of maximum 5 slaves alone. It works without your constant monitoring or the need of a special prison. Did you ever wanted to teach a bunch of raiders the wonderful world of civilization? Now you can. RobCo's Mobile Collar Controller (MCC) allows you to build your own slave prison or slave settlement wherever you want.


How it works:

Drop the mobile collar controller on the floor. Crouch and activate it. It is similar like the camping bed, You should see for a few moments a green force field if you have done it correctly. This is the area that is monitored and where your slaves can move freely. If they try to leave the field they get punished and run back near the controller to stop the punishment. Warning! Stubborn slaves can die if they try to flee several times.

You have to adjust every single collar you want to be controlled by the MCC system (its a slave dialogue option). The RoWoCo collar is in MCC mode when the light turns red.

If you want to set the collar back into following mode you also have to make a adjustment.

If all collars are set back to follow mode (green). You can deactivate the MCC and move it again. Simply crouch and deactivate it. You should see a red force field if you done it right. Now you can pick up the MCC again and choose another location for it.

While you are inside the forcefield is no fast travel available. You have to leave the field first before you can fast travel again. The MCC is designed for outdoor use. It works indoors but the chance of slaves which try to flee is higher. If a slave doesn't show up normally wait a hour. If he/she still doesn't show up use the “RoWoCo Antenna Extension” option “call monitored worker” and they come running. ( !! You have to be near the MCC Controller to use this function. !!) In big areas (like Megaton) this can take a while. Wait till all slaves have arrived.


The standard options for MCC slaves are:


Wait at location (Dialogue: That's it, Sandbox)

Slaves use the surroundings (like furniture, eating and other things) while waiting. Again: You are !!! not !!! loosing your slave while letting him/her wait. He/she stays the same npc with the same appearance equipment and stats when you come back and if it is three months later.



You have full control about the slaves inventory



You have full access to the dialogue options of the original NPC. If he/she is a merchant this function is still available. Quest dialogue is also available. So most of the quests are still playable with an enslaved character.


RoWoCo Antenna Extension Options

This are only shown on our pip-boy if you are near the controller.


Call monitored worker

All slaves I mean worker run to their starting position and stay there.


Dismiss monitored worker

explains itself


The minimal equipment requirements are:

Baton, Antenna and one RoWoCo Collar.


Selling Slaves:


Evas Pets: (David)

You can sell you slaves to David in the Pet Shop. He estimates the value of your slave according to different parameters (health, faction, attributes) and calculates a price. The slave is sent to the Paradise Falls slavepen after the deal. (Not really the slave is killed and sent home to keep the game mechanics alive. But it's a game and all is about illusions, isn't it ;). If you sell a healthy slave you achieve a better price then selling to Grouse. The RoWoCo collar is given back to you.


Evergreen Mills: (Simon)

At the entrance of Evergreen Mills you can find Simon. This 'dude from Evergreen Mills' also buys slaves but don't evaluates them. So a much faster selling is possible. The slave runs into the Evergreen Mills pen after you told him/her that he/she is sold. (Not really the slave is killed and sent home …) After you have talked with all the slaves you wanted to sell get your caps and collars from Simon.


Slave prison:

At this location you can “store” the slaves you are not using in the moment. Sell them or let them “educated” from a professional slave trainer (if you thought Dickie from my other quest mod was evil, you haven't met David yet . Again: imprisoned slaves are not loosing their appearance, equipment, …

The slaves stay in prison as long as you can afford it. Storing your slaves is not free. But caps shouldn't be the problem for a professional slaver. The costs are removed from your pip-boy weekly. If you can*t afford it your slave is sold.

Some of your slaves maybe have close friends. They try to visit them and travel through the whole wasteland to get to them. A famous example in the original game is Flak & Shrapnel. This is no error or bug. You have to deal with them. They are not allowed to enter the prison but they maybe wait for you in front of it.


Slave training: (one done, four to go, ideas welcome)

As written before, David can train your slave for a specific function. There are five of them planned (David trains only Mules and Meatshields the other trainings happens at a different location.) You must have enough caps to get the training offer from David and your slave has to be fully healthy to be trained. 'Store' the slave in the first prison cell. Then ask David to train the subject.

You are not allowed to leave the prison while ongoing training. You have to watch it all. Don't interfere! Your slave could be killed and your caps are lost. David gives no refunds. After every training your slave is in a terrible condition. You have to care for them to get them healthy again.


The Mule: (done)

This slave is still unable to fight but has a great carrying capacity. He/she is ideal for all evil collectors in the wastes. His/her education is the fastest and cheapest. After the training is done your slave gets a special backpack which enhances the carrying capacity by 200. The inventory of this backpack is independent from the inventory of your slave. So you can store a power armor in the backpack but your slave doesn't equip it. Also stimpacks cannot used by him/her if stored in the backpack.

If a Mule dies it drops its backpack. The content of the backpack is not lost. You can't pick it up but you can get your items back this way if you open it while sneaking.

Don't use a mule backpack without slave as your storage. It is not save.


The Grunt: (in progress)

I assume the most picked slave but the most costly. This slave fights for your live and he / she knows how.


The Drudge: (in progress)

This slave is used where the “hard” work has to be done. Most “Pitt” slaves are drudges.


The Meatshield: (done)

The name says it all. He/she protects his/her master at all costs and fights for you. His/her education needs about a week. You only have to watch the first training session and can leave the prison afterwards. You are informed when the training has ended and you can pickup the slave. The payment has to be made in advance. With the 'Antenna Extension RoWoCo' you can check if the training is still ongoing or if it has ended.

The fighting abilities depend on the former skill set of the slave. A megaton resident is not very useful as meatshield. It is better to capture and train a encalve soldier or another fighting NPC to protect your investment. A meatshield heals like a standard game follower (this maybe changes in later versions) so it should survive mods like MMM or other mods which makes the game harder. They are also are allowed to use stimpacks.

Meatshields are still loyal to their faction. So a enclave meatshield helps you against creatures and raiders but not against other enclaves. Be careful some factions are your friend but not the friend of your slave, You gave him/her the weapon now you have to deal with the consequences.

If this slave survives long enough it maybe learns to be Grunt.


The Doggie: (in progress)

This slave you leave better at home thats the perfect place for it. It keeps your house clean, cooks food ...


As I wrote slave training is costly and people who know my mods not easy to get. You have to care for your slave to make the training even possible. And you are in a constant moral struggle if you should let all this happen to him / her. Did I say David is evil ;) ? No worry this is not a quest mod more a extension of the slavery system, but you have still to work for all the goodies.

The hardest part of this mod is already made. It was under constant development since I began modding for “Friendly New Neighbours” (short “FNN” ;) add Collar Quest and you know where the name came from) and is know near the stage I dreamed of it 9 months ago. The beta is available on nexus (see begin of this post).


Last words:

I would be very happy about comments and additional ideas for this mod. I love to work with the NPC AI and I also see this mod as modders resource if anyone is interested.

My system allows to take over any NPC in fallout 3 without harm and problems for the original quests. It can be used for slavery but also for thousand other purposes. If there is enough feedback and interest I am glad to write a technical document how it was done and how you can use this for your own mod. Btw. there is no FOSE necessary to get this done. To answer one question in adavance. I don't use a single line from "The collector". This mod works with a complete other basic principle.


So please comment and give feedback.

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Sounds like class mate, I'll smoke a big one to that.


Will the mod include a script/code to make slaves help you in battle? I really want to see this in action, been trying to figure it out myself.


The only thing I think was missing from 'The Collector', was the ability for your slaves to do something useful, like pull out a gun you gave them, to help you while a deathclaw is taking chunks out of your chest.


I cant wait till this is done, hope you can help me in my own question. Is it possible to make a slave aid you in battle, and use items you give them, in an intelligent manner? Like taking stimpacks, picking up items themselves (I know they can pick up fags and alcohol, but thats just for show). I mean like picking up weapons, armour, usable items?


Good luck mate


Aw man, I just read the slaves are STILL gonna be cowards, thats a shame, but oh well, it was a good idea, and some funny screenshots.

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Aw man, I just read the slaves are STILL gonna be cowards, thats a shame, but oh well, it was a good idea, and some funny screenshots.

Read my description complete. You can train your slaves. If you train a "grunt" he/she will fight for you. Training is hard for you and the slave but you can do it.

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I cant wait till this is done, hope you can help me in my own question. Is it possible to make a slave aid you in battle, and use items you give them, in an intelligent manner? Like taking stimpacks, picking up items themselves (I know they can pick up fags and alcohol, but thats just for show). I mean like picking up weapons, armour, usable items?


Sorry I had overlooked the questions yesterday (it was later here). Yes it is possible to let the slaves act in a intelligent manner. My mod is a example for this. But it is hard work to get all these things done. All the abbilities have to be scrippted. I am working on FNNCQ since december last year now. FNNCQ is designed as a modders resource (it will be a esm) so you can use it as skeleton for your own slave mod if you want to.

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This sounds very cool :biggrin:


The potential of this seems pretty awesome, if the mod I am working on wasn't such a "good karma" kind of mod, I would be tempted to incorporate your system in some way. But I will deffinatly be trying this on my renegade file (going to have to go to a previous save though, because I sortof killed everyone in Paradise Falls... and everywhere else for that matter...)


So you plan on letting other people use this as a resource for other types of stuff. So, how possible do you think it would be to do something like this, but with Mirlurks and Yao Gui? Being that they arn't NPCs but Creatures...

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I cant wait till this is done, hope you can help me in my own question. Is it possible to make a slave aid you in battle, and use items you give them, in an intelligent manner? Like taking stimpacks, picking up items themselves (I know they can pick up fags and alcohol, but thats just for show). I mean like picking up weapons, armour, usable items?


Sorry I had overlooked the questions yesterday (it was later here). Yes it is possible to let the slaves act in a intelligent manner. My mod is a example for this. But it is hard work to get all these things done. All the abbilities have to be scrippted. I am working on FNNCQ since december last year now. FNNCQ is designed as a modders resource (it will be a esm) so you can use it as skeleton for your own slave mod if you want to.


Wicked mate, sounds like you've had your work cut out for you.


Well you've got my full support, cant wait to see it in action, I'll check back from time to time.


peace, and best of luck

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So you plan on letting other people use this as a resource for other types of stuff. So, how possible do you think it would be to do something like this, but with Mirlurks and Yao Gui? Being that they arn't NPCs but Creatures...

The basic principle would work. Actualy it's easier because creatures have no equipment to care of and look all the same. So you don't recognize if a creature respawns or not. The downside is that creature have a limited amount of animations compared to humans. So a Yoa Gui would never sit down and can't do nearly nothing in sandbox mode.


I haven't tried it yet because my main focus is on slavery but i make a few tests in the near future. There is the idea to make a portable slave controller so you can place NPCs where you want. I.e. capture some enclave soldiers train them as grunt and let them defend "Shady Sands" from Martigens increased spawns for you. This could be also fun with some creatures.


Would this work with NPCs added from other mods?

Yes! If they are enslaveable and not set as essential it works. The only exception are slaver NPCs from my other quests.


Btw. The first beta is coming this weekend. All features that are marked as "Done" in the first post are included.

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The basic principle would work. Actualy it's easier because creatures have no equipment to care of and look all the same. So you don't recognize if a creature respawns or not. The downside is that creature have a limited amount of animations compared to humans. So a Yoa Gui would never sit down and can't do nearly nothing in sandbox mode.


I haven't tried it yet because my main focus is on slavery but i make a few tests in the near future. There is the idea to make a portable slave controller so you can place NPCs where you want. I.e. capture some enclave soldiers train them as grunt and let them defend "Shady Sands" from Martigens increased spawns for you. This could be also fun with some creatures.


The idea was, that I wanted to be able to catch or buy Yao Gui and Mirlurks, and raise them on my ranch. And depending on how well you raise them they can become good fighting companions, or protect your home from intruders. (you have been on the page for my mod, right?)


If possible I would also make a couple different re-textures for the different classes.



Do you know if it is possible to add new animations to creature's that they can use for the Sandbox?


I have made animations in 3Ds Max before, but I don't really have expereince with putting stuff into Fallout specifically... I know that stuff like new re-load animations arn't possible, but I would assume scripting a new creature animation into a sandbox would be simple enough. I could make the animation if someone would tell me how to put it in the game.

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The idea was, that I wanted to be able to catch or buy Yao Gui and Mirlurks, and raise them on my ranch. And depending on how well you raise them they can become good fighting companions, or protect your home from intruders. (you have been on the page for my mod, right?)


I made only a short visit on the page. All what you describe is possible and could be made with a simplified version of FNNCQ (humans are a lot more work).


Do you know if it is possible to add new animations to creature's that they can use for the Sandbox?


I have made animations in 3Ds Max before, but I don't really have expereince with putting stuff into Fallout specifically... I know that stuff like new re-load animations arn't possible, but I would assume scripting a new creature animation into a sandbox would be simple enough. I could make the animation if someone would tell me how to put it in the game.


I think it is possible Saidenstorm and NillaCakester are working on these things. But it is a lot of work how I understand it. I have only basic knowledge about 3DS Max and Blender and I am unable to make new animations. I am more the scripting guy. I can use already made animations (kf files) but not produce them.

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