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Newspapers of Skyrim


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As far as I'm aware there are no Skyrim newspaper mods out there right now and I definitely think they would be nice addition to the game - especially for those people who play Skyrim in a real-life kind of way.


So far I have a few idea as to how they would work:

  • They would give players random snippets of lore from the Elder Scrolls story (much like the loading screens occasionally do but perhaps a little more in depth);
  • If possible, the newspaper would update relative to the quests the player completes.

To obtain them, my thoughts were that the player could get them from a 'Newspaper chest' inside each of the nine major holds (which could possibly mean newspapers unique to each hold?). And being automatically given them after riding on the horse and carriage to a hold, as if the player was to read it on the carriage. Obviously, being automatically handed items would probably be annoying to most players so maybe there is a better way around that, like making them available to steal from the carriage driver with no penalty of bounty.

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