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Duke Nukem


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I had a wee search of the forums to see if this has been posted before, but as far as I'm aware it hasn't. If I'm wrong, I apologize. There are a few requests in this thread so I've tried to organize them by category.


First off:




Basically, I'm still feeling pretty depressed over the latest batch of bad news regarding Duke Nukem Forever and was looking for a way to fill my Duke quota via Fallout 3. If I can't chaingun pigcops I could at least minigun mutants.


The Body and the Clothes

I can whip up a character with a reasonably Duke-like face easily enough using the standard character generator, and stuff like sunglasses are no trouble. However, as of yet I have been unable to find an appropriately muscular body mod - I have provided a link to the closest one I was able to find at the end of this post but it is my understanding that no-one has created clothes for it yet. My (admittedly limited) understanding is that with a new, larger body model clipping occurs with old models (like clothing), so entirely new clothing sets must be made. If there is no way around this (and no-one is interested in making a set of Duke clothing for a larger body or even making their own larger body with accompanying clothes) then can you please point me in the direction of an existing, relatively trouble free muscular body mod? I noticed Breezes FO3 Males and Roberts Male Body both have "muscular" options which may be a last resort - can anyone recommend these to me?


Because (to my knowledge) it does not exist, I would like to make a request for a custom Duke outfit, consisting of:

- the red singlet/tank top

- the twin bandolier/ammo belt setup

- the jeans and the boots


Thank you very much in advance to anyone who reads or responds to this thread.


APPENDIX: Totally Optional: The Weapons and the Enemies

I'm only concerned with trying to recreate the Duke character in the game, but there are probably a few people out there that would get a kick out of seeing some of Duke's arsenal or some of his adversaries be recreated in Fallout 3.


Relevant existing mods/resources:

Duke Nukem Player Voice



Duke Nukems Hotel Hell - includes somebody's basic FO3 rendition of Duke as an NPC



RMF3 Brawler Body Resource - a Duke-esque bodybuilder type body mod


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If it would be of use to potential modders/modellers etc. I have some unofficially released DNF materials including individual pictures of the harness, jeans, Duke's upper body and head etc. and various other resources which I could make available to you. Here's a sample.


Essentially, if someone made a Duke outfit (consisting of the red tank top/singlet, the harness/webbing, the jeans, boots and gloves, and if they were feeling super generous, a pair of Duke sunglasses) that was sized to fit the Brawler body, that combined with a Duke-looking head would be enough for a pretty good FO3 Duke. It'd probably be a lot easier than making the entire thing from scratch, although if someone out there is enthusiastic, dedicated and skilled enough to undertake such a project (doing everything from scratch) I'm sure the results would be fantastic.

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I tried Breeze's muscular body replacer. It's nice, but nowhere near bulky enough for a FO3 Duke. I'm still convinced the Brawler body would be the best way to go if a Duke outfit could be made to fit it.


Is there a way to make it so that you can have one body replacer (i.e. the Brawler) for the PC and standard ones or different ones (like Breeze's) for the NPCs? It'd be a little weird to go around with everyone built like Duke.

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I've been talking with the creator of the Duke Nukem sound pack about possibly making a higher quality version using sounds from Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project.


Does anyone know if it's possible to have a sound file play after killing a certain type of opponent, as opposed to upon killing something in general? I can see a lot of potential for Duke quotes upon killing certain enemies - for example, killing a radroach and saying "I kill bugs dead", killing a super mutant and hearing "Guns don't kill mutants . . . I kill mutants!", killing a mole rat and hearing "So much for the rat pack" or "Take that you dirty rat" etc. There are plenty of apt quotes from MP that would work brilliantly in FO3.

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Cebius, the author of the Duke Nukem sound pack has released an updated high quality version of the sound pack using files from the newer Duke games (i.e. Manhattan Project).


More significantly, he has released the first version of a WIP Duke-themed FO3 semi-total conversion, entitled "Duke Nukem Fallever". It can be found here:


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  • 2 months later...
Hey. Ive been working on a little something. Dont get your hopes up too high cos i still have a while to go before its anywhere near ready. I made the harness from scratch and this is my forth 3d model ive ever made so im still learning. I've got a lot to fix and i still need to properly uv map and texture the harness, i need to add the bullets + the actual parts on the belts that holds the bullets in place. All this is being done after work so i dont really have the time or patients lol. When i get time ill continue to make it look better. Oh and the boxes are just rough ideas of placement, they will def be more detailed then that haha. Oh and if you want a bigger screen shot just send me ur email aind ill email it to you.
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Awesome work! What a pleasant surprise, and totally out of the blue.


Can you tell us a little bit more about it? Did you use the RMF3 Body resource, or make something from scratch?


I don't know if you're the type who prefers to work alone, but Rocketlombax also expressed an interest in doing something along these lines, and could be a potential collaborator. Also, in case you haven't already checked it out, cebius is working on Duke Nukem Fallever and would no doubt be interested in your work.


Like you said, it's in the earliest stages of development but if I could make one suggestion it's that the pants/legs seem a little blocky/thick. If you thin them and perhaps the waist down a bit (giving his upper body more of that tapered V-shape) he'll appear even more muscular. Just my two cents.


Thanks again for your message and your work! Keep it up!

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first i converted the merc grunt outfit for the brawler mod and posted it up. I cut off the sleeves to the shirt because for some reason it kept folding in the shoulder. then i got a few messages saying that it would make a good duke outfit, which i like Duke Nukem so i thought well damn. why not. lol. so i made the muscle shirt into a singlet and made the harness. There you have it lol. And i've been talking to both about it lol.
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