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Dialouge Problems (especially Argonians in Cyrodiil)


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Hey im new here :)


I wouldnt say that, im new to this "game customizing world", if you get my meaning. On second thought, im not the biggest genius too, which is a problem right now.


(Read before blaming me)

Im 90% sure that this is my own fault but, im just asking for help because i hope there's a simple solution. Which i believe there isnt, but any help would be awesome. ;D


(To The Point):

Im not quite sure but, i think that i somehow have messed with the game dialouge. Every single argonian in cyrodiil has this very familiar way to say hello, by saying "I HAVE NO GREETING". But it only happends in cyrodiil and the Stirk mod, the shivering isles is fine, apart from the guards. And yes the guards (Golden Saints & Dark Seducers (And Sheogorath too)). When i talk to one of those guards, their Goodbye and Hello dialouge are being replaced by the general ones. Ye know, the dark seducers usually say "walk with our lord" when you're done talking with them. But instead they say nothing, and a little subtitle text that says "see you later" or "goodbye", appears for a half sec. It happends with all the guards in the SE expansion pack, and sometimes with Sheogorath too. Im pretty sure this is my own work but, i hope there's a simple solution for this.


(To The REAL Point)

1. All argonians which isn't from the SE expansion pack says "I HAVE NO GREETING" when i talk with them.

2. Sheogorath, the dark seducers and the golden saints, are missing their unique way to say goodbye and hello. (For example: the saints says "Speak quickly" when you walk up to them, and when you're done chit-chatting with them they say "Go". Well not anymore, i *banned* it up and now they say nothing, and a little subtitle that says "See you later" appears for a half sec.)



1. Since i don't know how to create a new plugin then i've been editing the SE plugin instead.

2. The only thing that i've been editing in the dialouge is that option where you can choose the npc's face to look happy, sad or angry.

3. There was one time where i tried to create a dialouge for a new NPC, but i've deleted all of my own npc's and the new dialouges that i tried to create for them.

4. When i open up the dialouge menu, i click on the conversation tab and then, under Editor ID i click on HELLO. Here i see a topic that says "good to see you", and the NPC that says it is Martin. (I don't know if this is a problem)


I'd appreciate any help i can get, thank you.

And sorry for my writing too much habbit.

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When the problem showed up i only had the Bravil Sea Domes mod enabled. Click For Link


But right now i have these:


BravilSeaDomes.esp (Noticed that all of the SE files is copied into this one too)

cidnothump.esp (not sure what it is but, i think its a fix for the werewolf mod that i disabled)


DLCShiveringIsles.esp (i've changed it a little but, not advanced changes)

MrMuhs Sheogorath-Anims EV.esp

Oblivion.esm (NOT changed. At least i don't think so, but i've looked at it and i cant see any changes inside it)



Weed AND Beer inebriation 1.4.esp


Oblivion Mod Manager installed these:

MrMuhs Sheogorath Animations EV 1.0

Female EyeCandy - Body Replacer (nude) 1.0

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I didn't have a copy of the plug-in so, instead i just moved it and re-installed the game. And then, IT WORKS YAY!!! THANK YOU! You're AWESOME! Thank you thank you thank you!!


It was really anoying when argonians in cyrodiil and other mods didn't talk. I could barely start the main quest, and i was always stuck when i entered the dark brotherhood sanctuary because of Ocheeva who couldn't talk. In fact i can finally play the main game now, and other mods too. And Sheogorath and he's guards in the shivering isles, their dialouge is fully working now! ;D

Thank you very much for helping. Its way more entertaining to play now, i could only do daedric prince quests and the expansion pack quests. Thank you again! :biggrin:

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I didn't have a copy of the plug-in so, instead i just moved it and re-installed the game. And then, IT WORKS YAY!!! THANK YOU! You're AWESOME! Thank you thank you thank you!!


It was really anoying when argonians in cyrodiil and other mods didn't talk. I could barely start the main quest, and i was always stuck when i entered the dark brotherhood sanctuary because of Ocheeva who couldn't talk. In fact i can finally play the main game now, and other mods too. And Sheogorath and he's guards in the shivering isles, their dialouge is fully working now! ;D

Thank you very much for helping. Its way more entertaining to play now, i could only do daedric prince quests and the expansion pack quests. Thank you again! :biggrin:


Your welcome and I'm glad your back to playing and enjoying the game. :biggrin:

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