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Players dead body stays


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sorry if I am posting this at the wrong place I am new to this forum stuff.

I would like a mod where the players dead body stays at the place he/she died at (stuff stays at the body)

and then you'll get to create a new character (same level as your past character. but you will keep all houses that you had and that kind of stuff).

you could see it like the ios game Infinity blade, after you die you become their son/daughter and then you can go get you fathers/mothers gear.

I am not good at explaining stuff and have no idea if this is possible... but it would be really cool if it was.

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I've seen a similar idea posted on this topic before. The real "mod" part of it is that you'd basically have two (or more) player characters existing in the same game. And my understanding is that is a challenge or impossible to do.


in the meantime - what might work for your own gaming needs is to use the mod "Alternate Actors" and the "Show race menu". http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36047/?



Alternate actors allows you to "posses" other characters in the game. So you are looking through their eyes, and playing as that character. Lydia of Whiterun for example. And your Dovahiin stands there.


Then when you die, you go back to your original Dovakin body.


So you could hire a buch of different followers, and have them wait inside Breezehome. Then each time you die, use your Dovakiin to posess the next follower, and then continue your journey.


You could use the "show race menu" to customize the face every time you take over a new character.



I love your idea. It would be fun to start a new game, and be able to play through some of the missions again, but maybe still have access to your old home at Lakeview and all the gear stored away in there.




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