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I want you to see this piece of writing. it is about "Lawsuit against the copyrights".

Uploaded 15:19, 30 September 2009, last updated 15:19, 30 September 2009

First, please understand my poor english, I'm still learning english, but well... y'know... it's not enough.






WARNING! THIS ARTICLE HAS NO FILE! ONLY WRITING. I just wanted to show you what situation that i'm IN right now.






I'm from KOREA and I AM the citizen of Korea. I wanna show my situation to you right now.





The FULL reason that I wrote this is because about a "Lawsuit against the Copyright". (is that correct?)



well first, i want to say I'm sorry to GM, the other staffs, and all the ppl in fallout3nexus for uploading my mod called "Be-The-Reds T-shirt and the armor".



about 7-8 months ago, I happend to upload some mod called "Be-The-Reds T-shirt and the armor".


and because of THAT mod. someone who has copyright of the logo "Be-The-Reds" had sued me for stealing his property without any permissions.



well, frankly, I had NO other purposes to release my mod something related to personal business, never. There wasn't. I just wanted to show you how WELL I can make this such a MOD, and to test myself. I did not know that was TOO precious, MUCH precious to copyright holders.




I'm terribly sorry. And I'm sure, REALLY sure that I'll never upload such a MOD which is against the law related to copyrights.



well, if, IF there are someones who think one of their MOD is a little bit against the copyrights or already against that, I recommend to delete that MOD.


please, I don't want to see other people to be in such situtions like me.



Well, I was talking about the Lawsuit against copyrights in KOREA. Korean law.... um... situation is, I think, that situation is worse than any countries.





I thank you for reading this writing and understanding a little bit. ^_^

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I'm not sure how it works in Korea but here they have to ask you to cease and desist before they can slap you with a lawsuit. Basically that means they have to ask nicely that you take the mod down and not do it again. If you refuse, then they can sue. From Wiki "In late 2003 someone trademarked the phrase and began selling "Be the Reds!" items commercially. In retaliation, the person who first made the logo on a T-shirt copyrighted the font in which it was written, thus forcing the owner of the phrase to print his shirts in a different font. Those shirts did not sell as well as the phrase owner had hoped. Because of those two trademarks, no further "Be the Reds!" items (in the original font) have been made legally since 2003. The Korean Football Association has since abandoned the slogan, opting for their own trademarked one, "Reds Go Together!"."



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This guy sued you for using his stuff? Why? you aren't making money off of it, it would seem, I would think he would see it as good publicity. Some people are just IDIOTS I guess. The proper term would be "Lawsuit for Violating Copyrights" or "Lawsuit for Copyright Infringement" here though, in case nobody knows what you mean, though it seems pretty clear to me.
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I'm by no mean trained in law, but I have had a small amount of experience w/copyrights as part of my employment and I think that (in the US, at least) non-commercial/not-for-profit 'actions' usually end if/when the offending material is altered sufficiently and/or removed from the public view when requested by the copyright's owner. A specific profit by the offender needs to be demonstrated before a civil suit can be brought to court...I think.


In any case, get legal help/advice!

Edited by EvilOssie
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i think, you can say, that you have used their logo in your mod without financial reward, so, this is a type of a free advertisement to this company, and imho, they shalll reward you!


i'm not very good at laws (and english), but i want to wish you good luck!!!

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I´m really sorry for you :( I can only tell about the copyright scene in germany but its the same everywhere.

There are lots of copyright-specialized Lawyer companys. They just sue someone to make money, not to defend their ideas ore trademarks. Its not the way our law is meant to be but no one cares about this, very sad.

No lobby, no right.


Definatly you should talk to a specialized lawyer to fight your right! Keep your head up friend.

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I saw a similar situation in an article at GAMESPOT about a week or two ago where they mentioned companies were starting to clamp down on their game properties when it comes to being used in other games for modding purposes due to the economy being so bad.


Not exactly great on a creative expressive level but then again that just means modders have to create their own things instead of putting DUKE NUKEM in FALLOUT 3 etc.


Just be thankful we can still mod these amazing games. Whose to say if Bethesda goes the old DAGGERFALL route and makes a rpg so complete and humongous in graphical detail and storyline they decided to make it unmoddable since the game allows for immense ingame artistic expression without the modding aspect.

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