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burmecian bug


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i dloaded the new race mod i hav a problem the burmecian race mod had a pink body no head or tail

the beautiful people mod does not work on the race mod i hav a pic 2 show the problem wat am i doing wrong if any1 can help me give a step by step on how 2 install body mods and fix the mod

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start by removing BP,its antiquated and causes far too many problems with todays mods.Body mods are meshes and textures only.if your not sure how to install then I recommend OBMM(oblivion mod manager) to auto install your mods,it also allows you to set your load order and checks for conflicts
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I have had problems with BP too. Consider using COBL cosmetic pack, way more compatible. And if there is pink this means you have made a bad install. You better use OBMM and OMOD the file (its the installer format of Oblivion Mod Manager) . My opinion. Here is the link to OBMM.






PM if you need more info I will try to help as much as I can.

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to install any mod via OBMM,you need to make sure the mod has no multiple options.both roberts and HGEC allow you bodyoptions.Remove the options you don't want,rezip the file and then do this!

ok,click create omod,add the mod name and author where indicated.

then click add archive,the mod will then be broken down automatically.When its ready you'll see some writing in the big box under file path

Then click create omod,answer yes and omod will be created.

you'll get a green square in your mod list,click on it and then click activate!

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