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Skyrim opening scene as mod debug


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Hi guys, i noticed that the intro scene can be used as a debug mode to know if your mods (mainly scripted mods) are working properly!

If it would be a conflict between mods and game the intro scene would crash or make something strange! I use it as a debug and it works, for now my game seams perfectly stable! And i've loaded a lot a mods! Fantastic! What can you say about that?

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The intro is very heavily scripted - so much so that some scripted mods that work fine in the game will cause strange things to happen - besides the CTD, you will see the wagon overturning, flipping out of control or running into things. It can freeze in various places because of scripted events just not completing, the Dragon not showing up and others.


Make a permanent save right after exiting the cave - the intro/tutorial scripts are terminated there. - Then NEVER overwrite that save. For testing, I use the top of the stairs at Dragonreach - you can expect an FPS drop there because there is so much going on when you look out over Whiterun from there.

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