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How do you edit an object?


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are you sure you have it set up as active?


Here what I do.

1) Open Geck

2) File->Data

3) Scroll Down and double click on the esp I'm going to edit

4) Click "Set as Active File"

5) Press ok and wait for geck to load all his stuff

6) I can edit what I Want but if I click save, he won't let me save on the original file. I will save it on another one and the size doesn't matches too

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when you load geck, go to Data Files, Check off Fallout3.esm, and your mod.esp Click your mod and hit Set As Active. then hit okay.


Once your mod opens, make a change, and hit save, it will save the change to your mod files.


still having trouble with that? id be surprised if you do. Maybe reinstall GECK

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