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Voices needed for movie


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I uploaded a trailer/demo of episode #2 of Cops in the Wasteland. Episode 2 will have major improvements in film technology. And once again thank yout to all the modders whose mods make these films possible.


If you like the idea and want to be part of the movie, go to voicepirates.com, read some scripts, record yourself (or others) and upload the recording to me. We will then match the recordings to the scenes. I have learned a lot since Cops 1 and have found some great new movie magic. However I am done with Test to Speech engines. I can't pay you for your acting, but I will give you full credit in the movie, a bio on voicepirates.com, exclusive updates and clips and mail you a cloth 3' x 5' Pirate Republic flag if we use your voice. I really need female voices, so recruit your girlfriend, wife, sister, mom, friend (I need guys too!). Please email me with any questions. Go to voicepirates.com for more info.

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