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Equipable ''dirty'' skin


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I was playing fallout 3 and was wondering if anybody could make a mod that lets you wear the dirt that raiders/wastelanders have on their skin. It has to be equipable so i can remove it easily.

I wanted this because when im going through the pitt dlc your skin looks soooo clean compared to the other slaves.


- Nacho

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Yes is possible. You can equip it by making a new armor and use the upperbody of raider and make it non playable. Then you need some script to force the player in using it such as Player.addItem yourraiderskin 1 0 (add 1 without notification) then Player.EquipItem yourraiderskin 1 0 (1 means cannot be unequipped 0 means no message).

Ok there is one issue though. This replaces upper body not the head. You need to replace the head. Making another armor for head . Do same thing. But there is one last issue. With a fake head I believe your eyes will not move and whenever you are wearing any other armor that shows skinI believe you revert back to original skin (not sure about this one).

So yeah. : )

There is a better way to do this. Is what I am using in my mod. You have to connect raider race and default (clean) race together using age menu.

In races menu choose older race as raider and on raider race choose younger race as default (clean skin).

Then in code mode on your armor or whatever onequip put player.agerace +1 and turns you into a raider...on unequip player.agerace -1 turns you back...this is more elegant way of doing it.

Note that you can connect any race you want

0 caucasian -> 1 older caucasian ->2 gramps caucasian ->3 raider ->4 ghoul

player.agerace 2 turns you in gramps
player.agerace 4 turns you in ghoul

agerace is how many steps from current race

if you are race 2 (gramps ) agerace 1 turns you in raider..NOT older caucasian...
and if you are race 2 (gramps) agerace -1 turns youinto older caucasian

this way your body will work, your eyes move, and your whole body is updated and all armors that show skin will show the new skin .

you can also connect many races to the same race age for ex
0 caucasian -> african american raider
0 hispanic -> african american raider

if you are either caucasian or hispanic player.agerace 1 turns you into an african american raider

Edited by africaisstarving
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