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Skyrim Level-Lock?


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I'm hearing that the regions in Skyrim do in fact lock at the level you are when you first enter. This from a certain Giskard at TheEngineeringGuild when he was complaining about certain Alternate Start mods that drop you in random locations and level lock that region forever.


If this is true, can someone make a mod if they have not already that makes it where the regions in skyrim level up as you level up and spawn better mobs adn loot and stuff?

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Depends on your mod build. Some mods alter the level lock already, like SkyRe and Requiem. Skyre for example has a plugin that keeps most randomly spawned enemies within 5 levels of your own (i.e if you're level 20, enemies will usually be 15-25), but does not touch other characters with a fixed level like Arengeir (level 150). Requiem level locks the world to it's own list. It won't matter what level you are, enemies will always spawn with a specific level (i.e a regular bandit will always be level 6 no matter if you meet him at level 1 or level 50).

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