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Real Hunger 1.5.5


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So I downloaded and installed the Real Hunger mod by Dominic Watson "edited by Thinkamajig"


Yes I did get the RH 1.5.5 - Original Alchemy Edition.esp and not the MMM one.


I have Darnified Dark UI so now I can't see how much food equals full on my character.


Furthermore, I ate an entire farm worth of stolen vegitables along with a shop keeper's supply of meat and potatoes, my stats are still being drained.


My Console button is broken so now I can't even wipe my stats to uninstall cleanly.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had many problems with the real hunger and Primary Needs combined mods myself, and the best advice is to just not use them. They tend to corrupt saves with "eternal hunger" statuses, which can partly happen due to deactivating and reactivating the mod at inopportune times.


If you must use them, try moving the load order of the ESP file and reloading to a save before the hunger happened.


As for the 'broken console button,' try using the Ring of Console: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13133

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