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Replicating mod set-up on a new computer


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So, I've gone without playing Fallout for some time, but now have a new computer that I want to continue playing on.


Is there an easy way to replicate my mod set-up so that all my saves will still work and I'll get roughly the same experience as before?


I have access to the files in my old Fallout 3 install, but it is just in storage on a hard disk so I can't like boot up the mod manager to see my list of mods. Is there a file there that I can just open up in notepad or the like to get a list of all the mods I'd need to reinstall?

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Fomm has a saved game viewer that can extract the exact load order from last used this can be exported to desk top.

read the list, and install the mods into the new game in that order listed. now once all mods are installed, and sorted. close down fomm and reopen it, at the top you can select import, import the exported list you made.

Bang, back in business right where you left off.



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