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A large group of red chinese have been found to have a base near the capitol wasteland. In a canyon near a abandoned town on a long forgotten hill a large group of red chinese have been found, your mission KILL UM" ALL!!!


I am no modder but thought a vietnam era esk mod would be rather kool for fallout 3


here is a general map of my idea




would like to have in this mod


1 cold war/vietnam era weapons

2 3 objectives, the 1st red chinese line of defense; a church in the occupied town; the red chinese underground bunker on the hill

3 the objectives could be radios u activate to communicate with base camp to tell them you have secured the area

4 a small team of grunts to go along 4 the ride n help kill um with ya; mabey 4 of them or so? armed with american weapons, m-60, m16, m4 carbine ect

(20th century weapons mod would be a super help with this 1)

5 the chinese would have rpk's ak 47's pkm's ect.. (soviet guns basically lol)

6 repayable

7 player would start in base camp n work north killin along the way and activating radio objectives

8 lots of trenches sandbags craters just a war torn hell of a place smile.gif

9 lock n load were gona give charlie a wake up call!

10 charlie don't surf!! XD


i am trying to learn geck but like i said i am no modder sad.gif tryn' though smile.gif

i will gladly help play test and give any info necessary


i am open to help and would be willing to try n get a team together if people are interested in helping just pm me or post here smile.gif


think of if as the capitol mall; only with red chinese instead of super mutants, and more extisive

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