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F.E.A.R. Inspiration


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Alright, so I really enjoyed FO3 when it was new. I was lucky enough to get it as a christmas gift the year of it's release. I then managed to find Nexus after becoming bored with the original content. I added mods like a raped ape until the game was so different (and improved) from it's original form that it almost wasn't the same.


But now a new problem arises.


Lately I've become bored of it again. I couldn't figure out why, until I popped in my trusty copy of F.E.A.R. Extraction Point and played through the campaign again. It was around the time when a spirit was watching me through the crack of a door, which it quickly slammed shut after it realized I had seen it that the realisation hit me.


I love Extraction Point because it scares the crap out of me! That's what FO3 is missing! The element of "HOLY F***ing S***!"


I think the thing that scared me the most were those faceless, floating, twitching spirits that would always appear just on the fringes of your vision, or half hidden in a dark corner. That would always watch you intently, but would never attack you. They'd just sit there... And watch... and hide... until you noticed them and looked directly at them, whereupon they would slowly fade. I don't know what they're officially called, but those things scare the crap out of me.


These are the creatures I'm talking about:



Now imagine walking into a large, dark room. Say, the Atrium of an abandoned Vault. The lights are out and it's pitch black. In the distance, you swear you can her wet, pattering bare footsteps ringing on cold metal floors.


The lights flicker, and you think you just saw someone on the catwalk above you. looking up into the blackness, you can definately make out some kind of shape, though there isn't a sound to be heard now. The lights flicker on again and you see a few bodies floating above you. They flicker off again before you can take in the detail. Then suddenly, the lights slam on and the air above you is swarming with the things, sitting there, watching you...




Now my question is this: I'm not a man of technical ability. Not with computers or computer programs anyway. So I'd like to know, is there anyone capable of creating something similar to this, or something equally scary? Heck, anyone out there that happens to be skilled enough to create some new enemies and just generally spooky additions to the game?


The problem with Fallout 3 is that it fails to scare me. At all. Perhaps the scariest thing is realizing a Fat Man bomb is heading directly for a makeout session with your face.


So, anyone out there that's skilled in 3D modelling and tecturing think they can try and create something that'll scare me roight n' propah?

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