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Have to do College of Winterhold AGAIN...


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I have that nasty habit of deleting saves when I think I'm uninstalling Skyrim for the last time and not going to play it again.


I decided to play Giskards Darklore Grimoire mod for Skyrim, which takes place after the College of Winterhold quests, and I have done that questline at least 5 times now....Are there any links you can give me for working BAT's or Mods that will let me skip it since I don't like the storyline anyways, but after the fifth time, I would rather not do it again. I've looked all over Google for some BAT that will do the quests, and then tried to look up the quest ids which I'm too dumb to be able to find apparently. Just the wiki descriptions. :( And even then, looking up how to do it so I might still get any rewards that are added by completing a quest seems more complex than I can handle now that its been a year or so.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I looked for the quest id's through nexuses adn stuff, and I'm not good at looking up quests in the console search function because of all the quest ids, and its been a year or so since I last played, so I would have to jump stage by stage, one by one to do what I want. If I could somehow see if at least a single person on the internet created a BAT or TXT file thta skips the College of Winterhold Main Quest and then uploaded it on the Internet, that would actually be easier.

Edited by 7vincent7black7
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