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alternative to rh ironsights?


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I don't like RH Ironsights as I use a one-handed smg WMK variant and it is incompatible with it, as well as its last update seems to be 2012 so I think it's a dead mod, so is there another alternative to it? Maybe something that just modifies the keyframes?

Edited by highwayman1031
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There have been several patches released by other modders to add various weapons to the ironsights mod. Search for ironsight - NOT RH-Ironsights - as RH-Ironsights will return ONLY those that have the entire term. While using just ironsight will return all mods that have the term ironsight - and include the RH Ironsights, RH_Ironsights and any other mod having the word 'ironsight' - NOTE NOT Plural 'ironsight' not 'ironsights'.

You may also try other variations - such as iron sight, :thumbsup:



Making an entire new one would require hundreds of hours of work by an experienced modder - to reinvent the wheel - This mod was so well received that Obsidian incorporated their version of it into New Vegas

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Alright I try searching and see if I get different results this time. but first



Making an entire new one would require hundreds of hours of work by an experienced modder - to reinvent the wheel - This mod was so well received that Obsidian incorporated their version of it into New Vegas

If they incorporated it, then why is there a RH_Ironsights mod for New Vegas? Did Obsidian mess that up some how?

Edited by highwayman1031
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If they incorporated it, then why is there a RH_Ironsights mod for New Vegas? Did Obsidian mess that up some how?

The 'RH_IronSights_NV_Vanilla.esp' plugin makes the following changes:
* Weapons without iron sights (i.e. the Laser Pistol and Laster Rifle) now have them.
* Some weapons (i.e. the 12.7mm SMG) have had their iron sights edited and resized for clearer aiming.
* Some weapons (i.e. the 10mm Pistol) have had small glowpoints added to the iron sights for night fighting.


It's more fixes than adding a new feature like the fallout 3 version did

Edited by flamenx01
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