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Emboidermodder2 Kickstarter


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Dear Gamers and Modders,

Just letting you know we got a Kickstarter going on for Embroidermodder2 finally.
We are going to need all the support we can get.

What is the program for you may ask...?
It is for making designs and stuff that can be embroidered on just about any fabric.

It is the first real decent open-source embroidery software that handles many formats that would meet
standard business/artists needs.

I have played around importing a few of the formats in Blender(svg/dxf atm),
it can be possible for anyone now to stitch/"RenderStitch(used build modifier for my initial test)" a design
with some basic skills and a machine(or you could take it to a local embroidery shop).

Nina Paley already used the software for cool animations!
Wouldn't it be cool to have embroidered apparel for your characters in your favorite games!

The program aims to make the designer clothing side of the industry affordable
and introducable for not only a small fry just starting a business, it also applies to
shops that already exist as it provides open tools easily customizable to meet
the jobs special purpose needs.

So what we need is for the project to succeed by being funded
and custom clothing design will then be finally open to the masses and
so everyone can profit from it in many different types of applications.
Real-life or game clothing/texture design/your imagination is the limit.

There are many other neat rewards to consider also for your pledge.
The campaign is going on until April 20th(Easter), so I encourage everyone interested
in cheaper quality tools and clothes/etc to pledge what you can.
Lets help these guys out.


- Metallicow

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