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Un-Scoped Gauss Rifle?


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Ok, so here's the spiel:


I like running around in 3rd person, mainly because of the animations when you raise your rifle up to shoot at someone. It's even better looking with the ReAnimated mod.


Now, I love the scope on the gauss rifle, but it totally breaks the imersion of 3rd person when it goes into the scope.


I've been looking for a mod that removed the scope of the Gauss Rifle, so when you aim it, it just raises up and you look a little further down range, similar to the way the Hunting Rifle and Lincolns Repeater work.


Unfortunately, all the mods I've found that alter the Gauss Rifle, also alter it's appearence, and I don't like that. I love the way the stock Gauss Rifle looks.


Can anyone help me out?

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