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Hello, not sure if this is the place to post this, I appoligize if it isnt. I was wondering if there is a mod that exist that increases the difficulty of lockpicking with these specific features


1. A limited number of attempts to use your bobbypin,like say 1 or 2 attempts then your shut out. As in if it breatks once , your screwed. Your only other option would be to blow it open using "Explosive Entry"


I use E.E., and I love it, but once your skills in lockpicking go above 60, it just gets too easy. Takes the challenge and tension out of picking open locks.


I would love to know if this is out there, or being worked on. I think setting a limit on the number of trys to pick is great. One try for the bobby pin, then a ramped up difficulty version of E.E. if that fails.


Ive already set E.E. to very hard levels, but I rarely use it anymore , cause i dont have too. kind of takes the fun out of that mod. If this mod exist , i havnt been able to find it, and appoligize for the post.

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