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Scripting armor set


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ok this is possible, just need to make a few scripts.


im no scripting master, but im going to take some guesses here and assume it works something like this:


You will need


-one script for each piece of armor

-one master script that keeps track of whether or not your armor pieces are enabled


Each armor piece has its own script that would basically have a Value in it.


for example:


Gloves script

scriptname Glovesscript
short glovesconfirm

begin onequip
  set glovesconfirm to 1

begin onunequip
set glovesconfirm to 0


Each piece of armor could have a tiny script like that for it.


Now, to tie all those together youd need a master script, that references all of the little ones.


All that script would need to do is make some checks like this:

scriptname masterscript

if glovesscript.glovesconfirm == 1 && shirtscript.shirtconfirm == 1 && helmetscript.helmetconfirm == 1 && pantsscript.pantsconfirm == 1
 >cast enchantment on player<
else if 
 >remove enchantment from player<
end if

now, bear in mind, i roughed out that script and it probably wont work. but that might give you some ideas.


Basically the && statement is saying, if the gloves, shirt, helmet and pants are ALL EQUIPPED (all == 1), then cast the buff on the player.


Youll need to find out what proper syntax is for casting a spell effect (enchantment) on a player is. im not sure what it is since ive never had to use one, but i can guarantee there is one you can use.


hope it helps you atleast a little bit :)


btw my syntax is all wrong, dont copy it word for word or it likely wont work :)

Id highly reccomend using Cipscis's GECK Script validator to make sure your script is correct it will check for bugs for you and everything :)


Cipscis's Script Validator <--- uber!

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oh btw, just thought of something.


If you want to use FOSE (fallout script extender) you can probably do this with just 1 script.


Using FOSE's equipped slots reference commands along with the 'GetEquippedObject' you can make a script that checks to see when you equip those particular items., you can make a script that basically does this


scriptname testscript

begin onequip
if  player.GetEquippedObject 0 == "Name of Helmet" && player.GetEquippedObject 2 == "Name of Shirt" 
  >cast enchantment on player<
else if 
  >remove enchantment from player<


Each piece of armor in this set would have that script fed into the 'script' slot of its properties, and it would work.


like i said, this syntax is probably ALL wrong so dont rely on that. But that should give you some ideas. (all youd need to do is lookup proper syntax :)



btw here are the equipment slot refs:

Equipment Slot IDs

0: head

1: hair

2: upper body

3: left hand

4: right hand

5: weapon

6: pip boy

7: backpack

8: necklace

9: headband

10: hat

11: eyeglasses

12: nosering

13: earrings

14: mask

15: choker

16: mouth object

17: body addon 1

18: body addon 2

19: body addon 3


you can read more about them here:


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Actually, there's a very simple way of doing this. Simply create an object effect as usual, and add conditions to is using GetEquipped so that it's only applied when all specified items are equipped. The object effect would only need to be attached to a single item, and so long as it requires all of the items to be equipped it won't matter which one you choose.


P.S. Thanks for posting the link to my validator Skree000!



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