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[WIP] Divine Death Overhaul - Save


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Have you ever died in skyrim? I would imagine so. Are you pleased with simply reloading a save file? Well, I'm not. I hate having to repeat stuff, and I hate doing the same thign 15 times in a row until I don't die to continue sometimes! Have you looked for every death/save mod you could find, and never found one that was just right for you, cause it simply did to much, made things to hard, or that worked right with Requiem and SkyRe? Well, I did! And I never found one that was perfect, being that I am supper picky, some of them have silent dialogue, some of them punish you too much, being that I use requiem, deaths just HAPPEN, if you loss your gear in my current set up, just walking a few hundred yards can be life threatening. My ultimate goal with this mod, is to make a mod that prevents reloading, replacing it with a realistic in game alternative, without adding to much difficulty to the game, because I don't like dying to be annoying, I just don't like skyrim's save/load feature at all! This is also designed so that you never loss progress... If you killed some enemies, looted some cools stuff, then died, you get zapped back to a shrine with the stuff you got. This way, you can't play like a bimbo and slam yourself into the same group of enemies 15 times till you magically make it out alive one time! But you don't have to worry about losing your hard earned gear!

I also enjoy mods that make being the dragonborn MATTER. I mean, your a mortal with the immortal soul of a dragon basically a GOD, so it's reasonable to think the gods would help you out when you die. I mean, someone's gotta save the world.

What this mod really does, is overhauls Shrines of the Divines to serve as save stations. In addition to changing the buffs around a little bit (don't worry, they will be very balanced) they add a new type of blessing to you, being that you are a dovahkiin, and have an immortal soul. When you die, if you have an active blessing of the divine, you will be respawned back at the nearest alter for that divine. This is designed to be a mostly lore friendly and immersive way of respawning! It is also designed to make the gods and shrines matter. Of all the mods I use, none of them make the shrines do anything cool...

General run down of planned features;

- You will receive a small debuff each time you are resurrected this way, which will last about half a day, so that if you die over and over in the same day, the debuff stacks, but just dying once isn't to big of a deal. I would also like to include an option for the divine to require "tributes" of gold to resurrect your character, the amount for which can be set in the menu.


- When you die, nothing is taken from you, this is not a death simulator, it is a way around the reload system. (unless you turn on the option for the divines to require tributes)


- If you have no active blessing of a divine, you will be respawned at the nearest shrine of talos, with a much larger debuff. I would also like to include an option to sacrafice a dragon soul to respawn on the spot if you have ACTIVE blessing of talos, but I think there is a mod that does something kinda like this already.


- I intend to make it so your character goes through the death animation, and the game waits about 10~20 seconds, then goes through an animation like your absorbing a dragon soul and respawns you, instead of reloading the last save.


- I would like to add an option for daedric blessings as well. How these would work is, if you are wielding a deadric artifact, you will be respawned at the nearest shrine of that deadra, do to this being more restrictive, this will debuff some stats, and buffs others more.


- I would like to include an option to "anchor" your soul using black or grand soul gems. These anchors would break after 3~5 uses, but would allow you to recall to a specific spot multiple times in a row.


-Maybe, if I can figure it out, make it so that you can only save near shrines as well. I may decide to not touch saving at all, as this mod kind of implies you won't be using saving at all, except when you are going to turn the game off. Though, It is probably a good idea to make emergency saves when you complete something you don't want deleted my a glitch, even if you never intend to use. Just in case.

The author of another death mod that uses a method of respawning with arkay shrines that should work perfect for this mod has the resources from their mod open for me to use, so I don't have to work from scratch. That mod also has a way of making 'anchors' like I plan to do, meaning my to do list is as follows;

1) Change the effect to apply on all shrines, and the shrine effect to end when the blessing of the divine ends; Maybe increase the duration of the blessing and give an MCM menu option for that.

2) Change the 'default load' to the nearest Shrine of Talos, instead of Throat of the World.

3) Figure out and add the effect to the Deadric Artifacts.

4) Make the 'anchors' require Grand/Black Soul Gems instead of Amulet of Arkay; Make the 'anchors' break after 3 uses for Grand Soul Gems and 5 uses for Black Soul Gems.

5) Make it so it doesn't take everything from you when you die; Add an MCM option for the Divine to take a preset amount of gold in MCM and be able to set that amount in MCM.

6) Make it so that each time being revived stacks a "debuff" on your character for a preset amount in MCM (12 hours/ 24 hours / 48 hours); Have an option to turn off debuffs in MCM.

7) Make it so your character goes through the normal death ragdoll, instead of the "bleeding out" animation.

8) Make it so that you can only SAVE near a shrine. (No idea how to do this)

9) Ensure compatibility with both Requiem and Skyrim Redone.

If you can help guide me on how to do any of this, or help outright, please post here or PM me, as I am basically figuring out how to do this as I go along. I mean, I know how to use google so I'm slowly figuring it out myself, but help would be nice. XD

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