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Blackjacks, human traps and the Legend Quest


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Blackjacks -For those times you choose not to kill, carry a blackjack that knocks out the target long enough to sneak by, rob, put on a slave collar, or capture for medical experiments (See Legend Quest).


Legend Quest - You're a doctor like your Dad but your passion is to find a cure for the feral ghouls (had to kill girlfriend cause she caught the bug). Make the bite of feral ghoul like that of a vampire in Oblivion. You become one. Have a laboratory set-up where you have a cage to keep the live specimen like the one Will Smith had in the Legend movie. Try different serums made from hard to find or dangerous to obtain ingredients. Make there be a better than average chance that the serum has even worse side effects like making the captured Feral into a Super Feral that cages don't stop. Would be nice to capture human guinea pigs to speed up the experiments by turning then into ferals. And for the talented modder that can do all this...


Traps - Make traps so that you can capture the Ferals alive.


Okay...I'm done. Can you have all this by next week?

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