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NifSkope won't load any models


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I've been trying to put together a Warhammer 40k replacer mod, that replaces many of the in-game items with Warhammer 40k equivalents, but I've ran into some trouble.

Now, I'm not exactly an experienced modder yet, in the Nif modeling sense. I haven't really replaced any models with my own custom ones, only pre-made ones, using the GECK. But I just used 3DS Max 9 to make a Bolter-pistol, or whatever it's called. Y'know, shortened the gun's length, make it smaller, ect... and I've exported it as a Nif. Now, I know I gotta replace an in-game model piece by piece with mine, but here's the issue: My NifSkope won't even open up the models. I used to have NifSkope, and it worked fine, but I was a total novice to modeling back then. Now, I at least have some L4D modeling under my belt, so I feel a little more secure in actually making models. But now, the damn thing won't even open up my model. Not JUST my model, but ANY model. Here's the error messages.


""device position incorrect after block number 0 (BSFadeNode) at 524 ended at 524 expected 620"" 
""device position incorrect after block number 2 (NiStringExtraData) at 628 ended at 640 expected 636"" 
""device position incorrect after block number 3 (bhkConvexVerticesShape) at 636 ended at 660 expected 900"" 
""device position incorrect after block number 4 (bhkRigidBody) at 900 ended at 916 expected 1136"" 
""device position incorrect after block number 5 (bhkCollisionObject) at 1136 ended at 1140 expected 1146"" 


That's not all of it, only a small part so you can understand. This is from trying to open up an ammo box, and not a single piece of model gets loaded. The viewer is just black, with the axes and a white dot in the middle. I already have a tutorial once I get NifSkope working, I just need to figure out HOW to get it working.


Thanks in advance to anyone who can lend a hand.

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This may be caused by the original nif files being made with an old version of nifskope. With some of the old versions you could not open a nif once you saved it. try opening a different nif (one from a different mod or from the original game)
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yeah i would confirm that your nifskope is up to date. that error message occurs when there is an offset discrepancy. Offset discrepancies happen when nifskope tries to open a nif file that has a compatability problem.

The nif file is either a version mismatch, or is corrupted. Corruptions can happen if you save a nif file incorrectly, the nif file contains bogus or invalid contents (such as multiple blocks of things that there should be only one of), or was damaged.


luckily version mismatches are corrected by getting the appropriate version of nifskope (usually newest is best), and/or if you are talking about an export from max, ensure its exported with the Fallout3 type in the export window.


Why nifskope isnt opening vanilla meshes, that worries me. Im not too sure but i would (like the others suggest) try getting your hands on the latest nifskope. And while you are at it, try uninstalling the old one first.



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Yeah, the exporter is set for Fallout 3. And I do have the most recent one, which I did try uninstalling and reinstalling earlier. 1.0.9 is the latest, right? From Sourceforge.net, link from the NifSkope wiki page thing.
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have you gotten to open any custom mod content nif files?


i know your vanilla ones arent opening, but did you succesfully open anyones mods?


tell you what. grab my 2142 mod, if you cant open those nif files in nifskope, then atleast we can have a better idea of whats to blame here.



Have you tried opening more than just one vanilla object?

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I know the 40k bolter won't work. Mine, or the original. The ammo box and several Vanilla weapons won't work either. The 40k Power Swords won't load up. I have yet to try armor, but my guess is the same result.


....Although I was gonna grab that mod of yours anyway. It looks BADASS. I love the Lambert Carbine, being a stealth/recon guy.

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Yeah, the exporter is set for Fallout 3. And I do have the most recent one, which I did try uninstalling and reinstalling earlier. 1.0.9 is the latest, right? From Sourceforge.net, link from the NifSkope wiki page thing.



Nope! I had the same problem. It appears on their site like 1.0.9 is the latest because it's at the bottom, but actually the latest is version 1.0.20. The version you currently are using doesn't support Fallout 3. Simply download version 1.0.20 and you should be fine.

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