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NifSkope problem


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Ok, now my problem is, i can't find BSS shade or something.


This video shows the NiTriStrips stuff, and it haves the plus things on its side, but on my Nif file it doesn't shows nothing



Need help, i don't even know if this is problem or dumbness or watever. Help? biggrin.gif


I can't expand any tab, and i can't find BSS shader, that means: Im f*****

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Go to view menu on nifskope and put a checkmark by Block List and Block Details.


Also I prefer a treeview because it is easier to read when you are changing lots of stuff and adding properties.

Go down to block list submenu and put a checkmark by Show Blocks in Tree.


Select blocks in your block list tree view on the left and make your edits to the nif in block details panel that appears across the bottom.

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Yeah. I just had a look at vgeardoorr01.nif


It is a pretty confusing file cause of all the cool animations and effects it has when it closes and opens.

You have been searching in the wrong block nicontrollermanager

Click on the next one down, in my nif its VgearDoorR01 NonAccum and expand.


Look in the list for a ninode that is named something like vgeardoor01b

expand that and look for the nitristrips blocks called vgeardoor01b, there are 2 of them.

One is for the front and one is for the back.


bsshaderpplightingproperty and bsshadertextureset are found under each of those.

This will let you change the texture for the door.

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