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New Clutter/Lootables


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would like to see some more stuff purely for decorating houses or selling to vendors so made a list of what id like to see


gas cans


pillows off beds *maybe taken by sneaking first*


Tires *lootable*


Tire rims *lootable*


cinder blocks


mail boxes *personal and postal*


boards *lootable*


small rocks/stones


buckets *lootable*


droppable schematics/notes


and not sure if its possible but barrels and shopping carts reworked to not have invisible walls over the buggy area and center of the barrel ive always pictured a random bum of the wastes pushing a shopping cart full of goodies instead of a brahman loaded up


and a list of items that arent in the game that would be kinda neat


retextured sheet music to news papers *not a replacer*


a mounted head of each animal of fallout *wall trophy*


screw driver


mason jars


extension cord


spray paint cans/air cans/WD40 cans


picture frames






filled trash bags


shopping cart with abunch of random stuff *like a brahmans back*


coffee cans


water hose




packages *like a cardboard box with the fallout mail sign on it*


small stack of paper with some text and a government seal of top secret on it with a paper clip on a corner


rolled up blue prints


bags of cement


bags of dirt


security camera *not connected to the wall*


rope pile


fishing net


fishing pole


tackle box


boat motor


golf clubs


if anyone has any other item ideas feel free to post them here i cant think of anything else atm hopefully someone will skills making and texturing new items sees this and grabs some ideas im a fan of decorating my houses ingame with random stuff :thumbsup:

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cinder blocks


-> CinderBlock01 || clutter\junk\cinderblock01.nif

-> CinderBlockStatic || clutter\junk\cinderblock01static.nif


just use havok to stack em


buckets are lootable by default (if you put items in em)


picture frames:


EmptyFrame01 || clutter\museum\empty frame01.nif

EmptyFrameBack || clutter\questitems\emptyframeback.nif


if you want pictures in em, just place a poster or whatev inside em




Clock01 \clutter\office\

nukaclock01 clutter\questitems

starburstclock01 \clutter\tranq...

starburstclockdirty01 \clutter\tranq...


small stack of paper with some text and a government seal of top secret on it with a paper clip on a corner

you find that in broken steel




mailboxclean || clutter\mailbox\

there's also dirty, broken etc.


just drop one in your inventory

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