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Armory Terminal


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Hi, I'm trying to make a megaton house mod and I need some help with this because I appear to be doing something wrong and the geck keeps crashing: I have a door leading to a room (an armory). This room has a terminal outside it that will open it. The only way to open this is to have the right passcode like in the Mama Dolce computer (I am referring to the entry that looks like gibberish but when you have the keycard, the option becomes visible). I would like the key card with the passcode to be either on top of or inside the desk inside the bedroom. How do I specifically go about doing these things because I am not very good with the GECK? Thanks in advance.
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I would assume that you would place conditions on the displays on the terminal. So if the player doesn't have the keycard, a gibberish option is shown, but when they have the keycard then that option is removed and a proper one is added. The gibberish one would do nothing, whereas the other one would open the door.
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I copied the Mama Dolce terminal to show the right thing (didn't work exactly). What I need is that at first, all you see is gibberish. When you get the passcode, you get two options - open the door, close the door. Unfortunately I can't seem to connect the terminal to the door and have it do what I need it to do. I really don't know how to use scripts and something tells me that I may need to use one.
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Link yout terminal to the door

Script to lock :


ref myLink

set myLink to getLinkedRef

myLink.lock 0


Script to unlock :


ref myLink

set myLink to getLinkedRef



Use GetItemCount in item conditions (and don't forget to set "Run on" dropdown list to Reference -> Player)

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What exactly didn't work?

Try simple things first:

1) create your terminal

2)in your terminal in "menu items" create "open door" record and "close door" record

3)click "open door" record and put this script

ref myLink

set myLink to getLinkedRef


in "Item Resuls Script" window

4)click "close door" record and put this script

ref myLink

set myLink to getLinkedRef

myLink.lock 0

in "Item Resuls Script" window

(see geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Lock for more info about lock command)

5)put your terminal into the world and link it to your door(it should be persistent and locked (geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Reference))


Get this to work, then try conditions.

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Thank you for replying again: the menu tells me that there is no such command and even when I tell it to ignore it, nothing happens. This is what I want to happen clarified:


1) The PC activates the terminal next to the armory door - when they don't have the passcode, all you see is gibberish.

2) If you have the passcode, there appears an option to "Activate Door Controls".

3) There will then be two options, open/close door. If you select "open the door" the door opens and vice versa when you press close the door, not just unlocks, but opens.

4) The door should only be terminal activated - no key required. I am using the rivet city door from Zimmerman's place - the one you have to press the electrical switch to open and it is set to "parent activate only".

5) Inside the armory, is an electrical switch that can be used to open/close the door, sort of like a panic room with weapons inside.


I hope that this clarifies things and that you can help me. It is quite possible that I am doing something wrong, but I think that the main problem is that I have explained myself incorrectly for what I want to happen.

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I thinked about different approach, but your looks better.


Lets start from beginning: drag your terminal(let's name it ArmoryTerminal01), door and (panic)switch (this one should be activator) to render window. Set terminal and (panic)switch as Activate Parens in your door properties(with ''parent activate only" checked), and link(this for scripting) terminal to the door.To do what you want you need two terminals: first("ArmoryTerminal01") which you place into the world and second(name it "ArmoryTerminal01Sub") which will be sub-menu for the first one.Edit their base properties:

For "ArmoryTerminal01" - in "Menu Items" create new record for gibberish option with following conditions(in "Item Conditions" window): GetItemCount "your passcard" == 0 ("Run on" Reference -> Player !)(or GetHasNote "your passcode" == 0 if this a note), and new record for "Activate Door Controls" option with following conditions: GetItemCount "your passcard" != 0 (or GetHasNote "your passcode" == 1) and set SubMenu option to "ArmoryTerminal01Sub"

For "ArmoryTerminal01Sub" in "Menu Items" create new record for "open door" option with following condition: GetOpenState == 3 (Run On -> Linked Reference !) and put this script in "Item Result Script" window

ref myLink

set myLink to getLinkedRef


and new record for "close door" option with following condition: GetOpenState == 1 (Run On -> Linked Reference !) with the same script.

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