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Follower Fix For Mods


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Hi everyone!


First: bad english imminent;). Not my native tounge:D.


This is a request for a mod that would fix certain issues some of us may experienced with multi-follower mods.


This is my story:

I have installed some multi-follower mods including UFO. I might have accidentally not have followed the instalation guide provided to the letter which caused an anoying bug. What kind of bug? I can no longer be acompanied by certain followers anymore.


The longer description of the problem would be:

In the dialoge menu with the follower I notice options suggesting that the follower is still following me, i.e. i can trade with that follower, tell him to wait, issue orders and even tell him to leave me alone. Those option always remain the same even after I use the dialog to dissmiss that follower...whitch basically means that the follower isn't really dissmissed but doesn't follow me either.


Unfortunately I can't revert to a previous save, because that would mean losing 75 level and countless hours of gameplay.


I have tried numerous console tricks like reseting the actor, reloading cells, killing, disabeling, enableing the actor etc. etc. etc.


I tried the Creation Kit...but...well...It's beyond my cognitive abilities:P. I wanted to aproach the problem with that tool becouse I thought, that I could somehow duplicate or reset the actor from there. As I've mentioned earlier, I could not do it.


So this is a sincere request to any and all talented modders of the Nexus and beyond to help a poor soul with a problem. Could any one help? Any form of remedy will be good, and theese could be:

1) Reseting the Actor with the Creation Kit. This would propably mean reseting ALL of that Actors values, including initial dialoges made at first contact with the Player Character.

2) Making a mod that would Duplicate the Actor. It's an NPC from the vanilla game - Jenassa.


Sincerely yours,


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