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Enemies won't attack and a few other issues as well.


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Hey, guys.

I'm fairly new here, in fact this my first post.

Hope someone can help.


So This is what happened.


I Installed Skyrim [], FNIS [5.2] (Behavior and spell), SKSE [1.07], SkyUI [4.1]. All in that order. (Note: I installed FNIS and SKSE manually and SkyUI through NMM)

I ran GenerateFNISforUsers.exe and just clicked on "Update FNIS behavior" without selecting any patches (It said "DON'T tick if unknown!).


Then i loaded the game through skse_loader.exe and the game seemed to work absolutely fine.


Then using Nexus Mod Manager, I installed a bunch of mods at one go. I have attached a screenshot of the mods that I have installed.

I started getting the following problems:


>Enemies won't attack me. Sometimes they hit back if I attack first, but otherwise I can just walk past them and they don't even seem to notice.

>Creatures won't attack me either.

>Some creatures that I'm supposed to fight are already dead when i get there. (Since i have played the game once before i know which creatures i am supposed to fight)

>When i initiate any kind of sexual act, the NPCs just strip naked and stand there motionless. I can hear the "moans" and "cries of pleasure" but the act itself is not seen.

>When i select "Enslave", the targeted NPC just disappears.

>Even though i have God mod enabled, it keeps showing me that my stamina, health and magicka are low and that i should drink some potion to regenerate.



I know i have a pretty elaborate problem here but I would really appreciate some help.


Thanks to all in advance.

Cheers :smile:


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Ok, so i did as you said.

Got BOSS to do most of the work for me. Manually cleared all the errors and warnings.

It solved the problem of the sex animations. But the other issues still exist.

Have attached screens from the BOSS log page of the recognized plugins load-order. (There's something about "dirty edits" that all went over my head)

Here are the names of the unrecognised plugins:

betterskyhaven.esp Active
betterstormcloaks.esp Active
bettervanillabards.esp Active
blackreachcheese.esp Active
elementarydestruction.esp Active
OverpoweredSneak.esp Active
yukianesa.esp Active

What do i do next?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, did you find a solution to your problem? I'm having the same problem too...

I haven't quite as many mods installed (only about 20 or so) but I do have SL framework, aroused and defeat installed. I kinda suspect it might be these ones...


Pls let me know if you managed to sort it out, and how you did it...

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Hi, did you find a solution to your problem? I'm having the same problem too...

I haven't quite as many mods installed (only about 20 or so) but I do have SL framework, aroused and defeat installed. I kinda suspect it might be these ones...


Pls let me know if you managed to sort it out, and how you did it...

Yes I did. For me it was a witcher follower mod. Deactivated it and all was fine.

And it's not SL framework, aroused or defeat. I have them installed right now and it's all working fine.


Do you have FNIS Behavior, skse and SkyUI installed? These are all necessary for SL mods to work. (Make sure you install these manually. Sometimes installing through NMM or installers can cause problems as well)


If that isn't the problem can you post a screenshot of your mods and load order? Since you have only 20 mods, i guess we can figure this out pretty quick. :)

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Hi, thanks for your reply.


Ok, first of all I am using a combination of NMM and MO (Mod Organiser). This is because some things just wouldn't load in MO, so I went back to NMM. The plan is to use MO to try out stuff I don't know I want to keep, and that way I can delete safely. So the big stuff like Skyre and the stuff like SKSE, reproccer, etc is on NMM. I installed everything using Gophers instructions, although I couldn't get Boss to work. (it needed a master list which I couldn't find).


Also I mainly installed on NMM first and the MO stuff is mostly after.

Here is my load order on both:


BYW, the FNIS appears to be unticked in the MO list. This is because I didn't use it from MO and did it manually according to the instructions on the FNIS webpage. (ie it is a duplicate)










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Hi, thanks for your reply.


Ok, first of all I am using a combination of NMM and MO (Mod Organiser). This is because some things just wouldn't load in MO, so I went back to NMM. The plan is to use MO to try out stuff I don't know I want to keep, and that way I can delete safely. So the big stuff like Skyre and the stuff like SKSE, reproccer, etc is on NMM. I installed everything using Gophers instructions, although I couldn't get Boss to work. (it needed a master list which I couldn't find).


Also I mainly installed on NMM first and the MO stuff is mostly after.

Here is my load order on both:


BYW, the FNIS appears to be unticked in the MO list. This is because I didn't use it from MO and did it manually according to the instructions on the FNIS webpage. (ie it is a duplicate)



http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_images/underground/attachicon.gifNMM load order 04-05-14.PNG


http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_images/underground/attachicon.gifMO load order.PNG


http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_images/underground/attachicon.gifMO plugins1.PNG

http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_images/underground/attachicon.gifMO plugins2.PNG


Okay... all seems to be fine to me... Although i have never used MO, so wouldn't know much about it. Also BOSS automatically downloads the masterlist when you run it for the first time.


The best i can suggest you to do now is what i did.

Look, your first 14 in the load order seem fine (Although I'm not sure about apachihairfemale.esm and the unofficial patches).

So just untick a bunch of the plugins like from 15-20, run the game and see if it solves the problem. If it does, then you have narrowed it down to these 6 mods. If the problem still exists, then move on to the next few plugins (21-25). This way you can isolate the one creating trouble and deactivate it.


Would have been easier if you could run BOSS as it usually tells you exactly which plugin is causing a conflict (But it didn't help in my case. I did it manually the way i mentioned above and i had like 80 mods installed!)


Sorry couldn't help more than this. I myself am not much of an expert at this stuff.

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  • 1 year later...

having same problem no animals or bandits will attack me i have no follower mods besides untamed: i ran a animation from that mod after words no monsters or npcs will attack me so i uninstalled it this happened before so i restated from a new character but not again. i noticed the only plugins we have in comon is sex-lab framework sex-lab aroused and defeat and hdt high heels and of course FNIS and i use loot so and it says theres know problems please help

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