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CoT uninstall causes CTD


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Sup' everyone,


I am trying to switch from "Climates of Tamriel" to "Pure Weather" because It seems pretty neat and i want to try it out, but when i uninstall climates of tamriel ( with Dawnguard, Dragonborn and weather add-ons) and i start the game (Pure Weather is not yet installed) my game doesn't get past the bethesda logo. I tried using BOSS to fix the load order and the issue is still there. I'm fairly new to Skyrim modding (and modding in general) so, i am pretty lost in what i must do to"un-bug" my game. I attached my load order without CoT, if it can help.


thanks y'all





*edit* if any infos are missing please tell me! ^^

Edited by nath28king
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