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Mod texture and mesh problems


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cant download more than one mod to oblivion cause many have a mesh and texture folder so i cant have the same named folder in the data file anyone know if it will still work if i change the name of file to texture1 2 etc or another way to fix it plz help thanks
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DO NOT change the name. That will make it not work. The folders need the exact name as set by the author to find their various parts in the meshes and textures subfolders. Contrary to what the message says when you install, adding another mod does NOT overwrite the existing mesh and texture files. It appends the new meshes and textures to the file leaving the existing meshes and textures intact.


Most mods include mesh and texture subfolders in the zipped file you download. When you use a good unzipping program like the FREE 7-zip those folders will be added to the existing Meshes and textures folder using the file structure the author set up.


If you need it, 7-zip is absolutely free, with no nag screens to beg for money, and is rated as one of the best file compression programs available. It competes well with the for pay programs and is updated regularly. It is also available right here on TesNexus http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15579

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DO NOT change the name. That will make it not work. The folders need the exact name as set by the author to find their various parts in the meshes and textures subfolders. Contrary to what the message says when you install, adding another mod does NOT overwrite the existing mesh and texture files. It appends the new meshes and textures to the file leaving the existing meshes and textures intact.


Most mods include mesh and texture subfolders in the zipped file you download. When you use a good unzipping program like the FREE 7-zip those folders will be added to the existing Meshes and textures folder using the file structure the author set up.


If you need it, 7-zip is absolutely free, with no nag screens to beg for money, and is rated as one of the best file compression programs available. It competes well with the for pay programs and is updated regularly. It is also available right here on TesNexus http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15579

i do use 7-zip but i wasnt aware that they just added to the folders thought it would overwrite thanks alot for the help

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