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Dog/Pet interaction Animation/Immersion


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Would anyone be interested in created animations for petting your animals when they are being so cute and good. Dialogue to give treats, perhaps. I love my Meeko!!!!!!

It would be much appreciated it doesn't have to be a big mod.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Doing some tests around this, actually. The interaction with animals in Skyrim is barely even a thing, and I want to be able to "bond" with my animal follower and horse.


Yeah, I would like to be able to at least feed my horse (pets) and just say good boy even.

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(Introduction),I know a thread where we a working on a mod on family immersion.

Mlee is working on the adoption plans and is anyone would like to put this aspect as an asset to the mod.The mod,which will need a lot of help,is meant to add more life to family interactions like a true RPG should:http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1005444-raising-your-kids-family-interaction-overhaul/

Edited by Teddy894
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  • 4 years later...

I'm still wondering about this... I would love to be able to give Meeko a hug. I know this can be possible, I just don't know how to do it. I have a mod called "HugMe.esp" https://www.loverslab.com/topic/69725-hug-me-english-translation-with-voice/?tab=comments#comment-1741789) where everyone can be offered a hug, even kids, and Meeko too except there is no animation with Meeko. There must be an animation where Meeko jumps up that is part of this attack movemements that can be triggered to go with this. I wonder if someone can figure it out!

Also want Meeko to say this:



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This would make Skyrim a lot less depressing!

I have always wanted something like this, I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Why are there no mods like this? There are so much mods on the "extreme" ends of the spectrum, mods that add more "violence" and mods that add more "sexyness" but why isn't there something like this?

It is really sad ....

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