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Commie radio and Russia in F3 universe


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Hello everybody. I'm making the communist radio with mostly soviet songs (http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9450).


The questions I'm thinking of are:

1. Should Russian radio be mixed with Chinese or not. Soviet songs I'd prefer are closer to American spirit but some might prefer to have one commie radio. Also as you know in reality the USSR broke up with China however Vietnam stayed loyal to USSR despite Chinese pressure... So there is more western Russian style and more eastern China/Korea/Russia

2. Is there any info on Russia in Fallout universe? On the maps it seems to be there.

3. The tough question for my radio: what's better - an english-speaking dj or some actual radio records?


Your thoughts are appreciated!

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I did a quick search of the Fallout Wikia, and it said that the Soviet Union never broke up, hence no Russia. Other than that, not too much is known.

And I would prefer actual records. By the way, where would you find some? I'm incorporating a radio into my large-worldspace mod, and I would love to have some old 40's and 50's radio shows.

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