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Helmet Help


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Hi, I am trying to apply a new texture to the combat helmet in order to create a new helmet. I took the helmet mesh from my archive extract at meshes\armor\headgear\combatarmorhelmet\m. I made a copy of all the files into a new folder and removed the armor part of all the file names.


I edited the texture path in nifscope to the path where my texture file is and I created a new form in the geck using the original combat helmet as a base. In the game, the ground model displays perfectly, but when worn, the helmet displays on the side of the character or NPCs face, literally at right angles to the way it should be displayed.


Doess anybody know why it would do this? I have attached a pic of what's happening.




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Use the "Update Facegen Model Availability" function in the Character pulldown menu of the GECK.


If this is not in the FAQ already then it should be.


BTW, if you are using the original mesh of the helmet you don't need to extract it and change it in NifScope. Just make a copy of the combat helmet in the GECK under a new name, create a new textureset with your retextured .dds images and apply that to the new item. It will save you from bloating your mod with redundant meshes.

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It' s not a textures probleme but just in the geck, when you are in the editor, click in armor and create a new armor and you check the good cases...where there are head...hair...upperbody...lefthand...ect...and if you check the wrong case , you headwear is misplaced...sorry for my very bad english but i speak french usually...

and in frensh for you understand the frensh XD : dans le geck , quand tu choisi de crée une nouvelle armure , tu doit bien faire attention a cocher les bonne case qui dise se que c est, si c est un chapeau, une armure , gant droit , gand gauche, bandeau,ect...et si tu choisi mal alors ton chapeau sera mit comme sur ton image...

Voila en esperant avoir pu t' aider

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You can change the rotation of an object with NifScope. If you use NifScope to rotate a helmet to fit the head properly, and then later use Update Facegen Model Availability, the helmet will rotate to the other side of the head. Maybe that is what happened with your helmet.
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  • 4 months later...

hi there i got the same probleme, the helm on the side of my head, i try to use Use the "Update Facegen Model Availability" function in the Character pulldown menu of the GECK butthat not solve my probleme

i use nif to edit my texture but nothing esle.

any got an idea? may i do something in nif?


i use XzaX's helmet in his mod, keep the same folder than original... don't understand. please help.

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