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Game freezes near Bravil


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Whenever I approach Bravil from the outside, Oblivion's framrate slows until it eventually freezes. Trying to quick travel there causes the loading bar to halt at about 1/4 to 1/3 of the way through and then it freezes.


I'm having a similar problem on the inside of Bravil, where the bar will freeze at about the same point for a minute or so, then it'll finish, however the fair deal and the lonely suitor lodge are missing. All that's left is the door (havn't tried going inside) and maybe a few objects around it, but the building itself is replaced by a missing mesh thingy.


Outside of Bravil, everything else seems fine.


From the last time I visited Bravil, the only mod I've installed is Kvatch Rebuilt, and uninstalling it produced no change.


Any idea how to fix this?

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