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A new texture for the Terminus armor?


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Hi there! I would like to ask you if there is a texture mod for the Terminus armor based in a cool re-texture of the N7 Destroyer, I mean I want to change the appereance of the Terminus armor for a cooler one, not the same one but in a better resolution.

I´m also looking for a texture mod based on the N7 Slayer for the Cerberus Shade armor, a true N7 Slayer appereance and not something like that.

And if there are not those textures mods, could anyone make them? :whistling:


And I´d like to edit a couple of things of the N7 Typhoon, the N7 Piranha, and the Lancer, but I can not find them in the 'Coalesced/bioweapon.ini/sfxgamecontent/sfxweapon' file, so, where are they?


By the way, I´ve seen some mods that replace the model of some armors ('from ashes', a new model for Ashley,...), so I wonder if there is any chance of getting Kaidan´s armor for Shepard (I don´t mean the Ajax armor with the Alliance colors, I mean a new model replacing any that already exists, such as the Collector´s armor).


Thank you!

Edited by FJD
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School is starting up again so time is short but here's a really good guide to put kaidans armor on shep:






It's not terribly complicated and it doesn't take that long.


I also made high res Kai Leng's armor for shepard (since it's just a retexture) and that's what the slayer armor is. But I didn't put it on the nexus because I'm too lazy to go through that whole process and getting screenshots. I wanted the cerberus logo and I wanted the high res version but if you don't want that or you want other colors then here's some made by someone else for the shade/nightmare/spirit armor:



Edited by reallifegirl
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