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Requesting Scripts and scripting help.


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I am making the megaton expansion and fixes mod that brings together a couple mods and adds in my own content and add ons to create the biggest expansion to date.


My request a script that I can add to an activator that will allow the player to activate it and spawn enemies for combat training.


I also would like to have a script that can be applied to any object. The script should be able to add a counter to the upper left corner of the screen when the object is hit. The finished product should basically be a counter that goes up everytime you hit the target to let people know if they hit it and to see if they can improve on there scores.


If anyone can or would like to help me make these scripts please comment, you will be credited for any work you help to put into this mod.




My mod:



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If you're interested, I've written a tutorial the explains the basics of scripting in Fallout 3 - Scripting for Beginners


The first script would use an OnActivate block along with PlaceAtMe to create enemies at a certain persistent marker. The most complicated thing here will be cleaning up - you'll probably want to remove the bodies after the actors have all been killed, and you'll also probably want to prevent the player from spawning more enemies until the current set has been dealt with. To do these things, you'll want to make use of the fact that PlaceAtMe returns the RefID of the reference that it places, which you can then use to call Disable/MarkForDelete and GetDead.


With regard to the second script, the easiest method would be to just use a message. In order to display a message on the screen, ShowMessage should be used. You can specify a value to use in the message by using a particular format specifier (see the documentation on the GECK Wiki for more details - ShowMessage). You'll want to use an OnHit or OnHitWith block to run the code when the object is struck.



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thanks for the reply I will take a look at your scripting for beginners tut. hopefully I can get this working :)


if not would you be willing to help me?

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I'm always keen to help people out with scripting, but I don't have very much time to spend online at the moment I'm afraid. There are a few good scripters around these forums though, and many of them frequent the "Quick Question - Quick Answer" thread over in the Mod Troubleshooting area, which you might find a valuable resource for all of those little questions that pop up when you're just learning.



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