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Adding/Removing items from player without messages


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Greetings, I am attempting to make a script that upon obtaining a floating Sunset Sarsaparilla Bottle, the game will 'invisibly' swap it out for a normal Sunset Sarsaparilla Bottle. I decided to try basing my script off of the Unofficial Fallout 3 The Pitt Patch's Steel Ingot script which did a similar thing:

SCN DLC01SteelPlateActivatorSCRIPT

Short Activated

Begin GameMode
	If Activated == 1
		Set Activated to 0

Begin OnActivate Player
	SetNoActivationSound UIItemGenericUp
	Set Activated to 1
	Player.additem DLC01SteelPlate 1 1

Here's my edited script:

scn SSBottleEmptyNoFloatScript

Short SSBottleExchange

Begin GameMode
	If SSBottleExchange == 1
		Set SSBottleExchange to 0

Begin OnAdd Player
	SetNoActivationSound UIItemGenericUp
	Set SSBottleExchange to 1
	Player.additem SSBottleEmpty 1
	Player.removeitem SSBottleEmptyNoFloat 1

Unlike the Steel ingot script, this one displays messages (and plays the item pickup sound twice in a row.) Is there anything I've done wrong?


EDIT: I'm an idiot, I deleted the 1 after the additem/removeitem and that fixed it. And the SetNoActivationSound should only be used with an actual Activator. Learn from my mistake everyone!

Edited by Crystalking52
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