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Looking for a player home that fits


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Hi lads,

In Skyrim, you know that, is the Dark Brotherhood, the Thiefs Guild, the Companions etc etc...

In my game i build some kind of Bounty Hunters Guild and i am looking for a player home that could be the HQ for it. I ask you, the community, for an idea of a player home mod that could fit.


The idea behind my RP game is the backstory of my char.

In this civil war large groups of bandits from all over the continent gather in skyrim to get theire piece of the cake. The bounty hunters follow them.

Instead of a "lone ranger" a small group of them settled down in skyrim asking in taverns for a job.


I use UFO and Bounty Gold mod for this. With "Skyrim Unbound" mod i startet a new game without dragon soul absortion and shouts. I RP a "normal" char...

With some follower mods here on Nexus i build a small group, 4 or 5 followers to build this bounty hunter guild.


The player home mod i am looking for should have enough beds, shouldnt be to luxury and a bit hided. Does someone know a mod that could fit for my RP?

Do you like my idea?




Edited by kysadhuras79
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