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Recolored Beds


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So, I am remodeling all the houses, most of them are done already, but I want to do a color theme for the Hearthfire Houses. I have released Lakeview Manor in green (I need to tweak it a bit and fix the outside some) but I wanted to make the beds a better green. and maybe change the trim to white. For the noble double bed and kids beds. Then i am going to try to do Windstead Manor in Red, and I would like to do Red and Gold blankets. Then a Blue and Silver for Heljarcen Hall. I have been able to find alot of rug resouces, and think I can do the rugs in these colors, and I am trying to find banner resouces with these colors. I have matching towels from InsanitySorrow. but the only recolor I have been able to find on beds is static. Could someone either give me a hand with this, or at least point me to a good tutorial on how to do this?




The mod in question that I am working on, if you are interested. Pay no attention to the rugs in the Lakeview Manor images. Those were old pictures.

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