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Which parnter mod? CM or Share and Recruit?


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Which partner mod do you consider to be the superior one? Cutthroat Mods/Blackie's CM Partner Mod Basic or The Talkie Toaster's Companion Share and Recruit mod?


Do you use both?


Does the two mods have a "designate house" or "hang-out here" command? I'm currently using a mod that has that feature and it's nice to be able to tell her to go home..... especially when the nagging starts. Joking aside, its kind of cool to come home and see someone in my house doing stuff by herself.

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I use both. I don't know that either has a "this is your house" command, although one does have a mark/return to mark feature (sadly I forget which, you'll have to check the descriptions). Both will let you tell a companion to stay in a location and make themselves at home, which would probably have the effect you're wanting.


I really like the scripting and AI on Stoker Wolff, and there are some other male and female solo-scripted companions with nice features out there.

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All of my companions have that command and many others as well including a flirt menu so you can interact with them when the mood strikes.


Viconia and Stoker have been brought into the Underdark Saga.


Saerileth is a stand alone mod. She is instantly infatuated with you.




Viconia's first release is Part I of the Underdark Saga and can be played as a stand alone as well.




Part III is her at her best but requires the Underdark mod. Available at the same link.


Stoker Wolff is in The Vampire Hunter, which is the Underdark Saga Part II. He does have a stand alone mod as well for female players, etc.




All of the companions involve a romance "quest". Part III is full on quest that is pretty big (80+ stages).


TVH (Part II) is over 100 stages long. That one you can have him as either a friend or a romance and it also requires the Underdark.




Enjoy. A lot of work went into these.

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Which partner mod do you consider to be the superior one? Cutthroat Mods/Blackie's CM Partner Mod Basic or The Talkie Toaster's Companion Share and Recruit mod?


Do you use both?


Does the two mods have a "designate house" or "hang-out here" command? I'm currently using a mod that has that feature and it's nice to be able to tell her to go home..... especially when the nagging starts. Joking aside, its kind of cool to come home and see someone in my house doing stuff by herself.


I use both. I don't think one is better than the other really, but each has certain features that the other doesn't which is why I use both.

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All of my companions have that command and many others as well including a flirt menu so you can interact with them when the mood strikes.


Viconia and Stoker have been brought into the Underdark Saga.


Saerileth is a stand alone mod. She is instantly infatuated with you.


Oh, i already use both Viconia and Saerileth and HIGHLY endorse them. I was just looking at the others for different options. I'm going to put together an adventure team. BTW Sult, why did you label the next quest mod for Vic with a part III instead of part II?




I use both. I don't think one is better than the other really, but each has certain features that the other doesn't which is why I use both.


That was what I was thinking of doing for my other adventurers.


Can you use the features of both together on one NPC?

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I make my own companions. I use CM Partners as a base mod for my main character's family members and romantic partners which I model after my own family members, and Companion Share Recruit for general NPC friendliness.
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sexy companion, by far the most rounded companion available


Yes, that one is an excellent one too. I almost forgot it. It is also HIGHLY endorsed by myself as well.


I'm mainly looking for a general NPC recruiting type mod, such as CM or CSR. I'll probably end up using both.

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Sorry, just saw this.


> Oh, i already use both Viconia and Saerileth and HIGHLY endorse them. I was just looking at the others for different options.

>I'm going to put together an adventure team. BTW Sult, why did you label the next quest mod for Vic with a part III instead of

>part II?


The Vampire Hunter (recent beta release and Part II) is a prequel to Return to the Underdark (Part III) but features a different companion, Stoker Wolff. I use him all the time as an archer and he can be played one of two ways, friend or lover.

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