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WIP: Prone Mode. How to convert PlayIdle anims to PlayGroup, etc?


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animation compliments of BackSteppos' SomePoses mod.
I converted his idle animations to New Vegas. Easy enough.

Now comes the hard part. These are idle animations and the only way they work on the player is if ToggleFlyCam is on. Further more I am unable to fire the weapon when in prone mode. I'm not sure if this is because it is a PlayIdle animation as opposed to a PlayGroup animation, or because the tfc is on.

1.) How would I go about converting this PlayIdle animation to a PlayGroup animation? If I can take a knee and fire, which is simply an animiation, then I should be able to lay prone and fire.

2.) Is there a way to change the weapon bone by script? When I equipped the sniper rifle the weapon was pointed toward the corner of the ceiling. I'm wondering if I changing the weapon bone will change that.

3.) Is it possible to fire a weapon while TFC is on?

Any insights are appreciated

Edited by irswat
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I got the enemy snipers to go into prone mode via script using the PlayIdle command. I was hoping if I issued PlayIdle then issued UseWeapon the snipers would fire at the player from prone mode, but no luck.

How do I turn these PlayIdle animations into PlayGroup animations so the NPC can fire the weapon from prone position?

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I'll try to take a look, but been crazy busy. I do know that you'll need more than a converted pose, you need the firing animation, reloading etc. All the stuff that you have while crouched.



so i got these IdleAnimations. I don't understand why it isn't a simple matter of


if player.GetDected

SetAlert 1

Look Player

PlayIdle 42 (prone idleanim)

UseWeapon rSniper player NVWeapGhillieSniper 6 0 0 0 0



Why does UseWeapon cease to work from prone position?


I think at least part of it is because there is no firing animation in a prone position. So for example, when crouched you have *at least* a firing animation (like two handed rifle crouched, or one handed pistol crouched etc) & reloading animation KF keyed to the weapon type. At least some of those (two handed rifle prone) would need to be built.


The pose (if the animation has the actor move from a standing position to a prone position) can be used for part of that (a base), but the firing animation is different for a crouched and a prone skeleton. You'll probably need to also replace one of the crouched (hopefully an infrequently used one) firing animation with a prone one, since fallout has a limited number of "slots" for attack animations (I forget how many, but you can see them under a weapons art tab).


OK brother, have to run, should be back in less than 3 hours.

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