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Classic Fallout Weapons issue


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I wonder why no one else complains or if the error is on my side, but when sheathing rifles from the "Classical Fallout Weapons" Mod, they are placed on the upper right on my back, as if the node they are attached to was my right shoulder. It looks stupid. Since the mod seems to be dead for long intervals and is rarely updated, I want to do it myself. All I need to know is how I can change the position of sheathed weapons.


Here is a link to an uploaded picture of me standing on the right with a sheathed rifle for CFW, to the left a guard with an usual chinese assault rifle. I TOLD you it looks stupid. Please help un-stupify.






Thanks in advance.

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could be that the problem is when they made it in nifskope that they fill in the wrong place where to put the weapon.

i doubt it but ...

or could be in the geck in the edit..equip type..

i'm still learning the geck myself.

so im not sure if its this.

but looks like u wearing a missilelauncher or fatman.

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