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Staff Meshs


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Ok, i wanted to use a gun mod, so i installed it(yes to overwrite everything) and it works fine

but the when i went to use my mage staff it din'nt use the vanila meshes.

what i am asking if someone could copy theres for me! only now do i understand mods and meshe.


Thank you in advance


(the meshs are in "oblivion, data, meshes, characters, _male")

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Ok, i wanted to use a gun mod, so i installed it(yes to overwrite everything) and it works fine

but the when i went to use my mage staff it din'nt use the vanila meshes.

what i am asking if someone could copy theres for me! only now do i understand mods and meshe.


Thank you in advance


(the meshs are in "oblivion, data, meshes, characters, _male")


That doesn't seem to make sense. The folder you gave is for animations and body models, not weapons. Can you link the mod you downloaded, exactly. If it's not the same version or a different mod in any way, that won't help.

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All vanilla meshes and textures are contained in the .bsa files in the Data folder. They are not changed or removed by mods. If you don't have the vanilla meshes showing when you use a staff it is because there is a mesh. texture or both from some mod you have not removed overwriting them when you start the game.


Just removing the esp file DOES NOT remove the texture and mesh files from that mod. You must go through your mesh and texture folders and find every staff replacement your mods have installed. Then the vanilla meshes and textures will be back.

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