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What are the Reputation values in the GECK?


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In my other post, I say about how I'm making an armour that changes reputation. When I tested it, the reputations did not come out exactly how I had planned. So, in the GECK I found Actor Data --> Reputation, and noticed that each reputation had a preset value, e.g Brotherhood = 20.


Thinking that these values might be offsets, I set them all to zero. However my next test gave the message that reputation had changed but no values actually did. I am now thinking that the values might be multipliers, or perhaps max reputation caps. Could someone confirm exactly what these values do, and why they might be messing with scripted reputation values?

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These values are thresholds - i.e. how many reputation points you would have to gain/lose with the said faction in order to advance to the next rank (from 'Accepted' to 'Liked', etc.). You should not change those values unless you have a good reason to do so.

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Upon testing, this does not appear to be the case. In the GECK the reputation value for the Brotherhood is 20. From what I understood, that means that reputation of 0-19 was Neutral, 20-39 was Accepted, 40-59 was Liked and 60-80 was Idolised. Yet, when my script adds 40 Fame, I am Idolised rather than Liked. I tested this on a new game save, so I had no previous reputation throwing it off.


Again, I cannot see where I'm going wrong, could you point me in the right direction?




It would appear that the values given in the GECK are maximum values, i.e the amount of reputation you need with that group to achieve "Idolised" or "Vilified". I have drawn up a table to illustrate each boundary for each faction:


Freeside 0-10 11-34 35-69 70
Goodsprings 0-2 3-7 8-14 15
Novac 0-2 3-9 10-19 20
Primm 0-4 5-14 15-29 30
The Strip 0-5 6-19 20-39 40

Powder Gangers 0-4 5-14 15-29 30
White Gloves 0-1 2-4 5-9 10
Boomers 0-7 8-24 25-49 50
Great Khans 0-4 5-14 15-29 30

Followers 0-7 8-24 25-49 50
Brotherhood 0-2 3-9 10-19 20
NCR 0-11 12-39 40-79 80
Caesar's Legion 0-14 15-49 50-99 100



As you can see, half of the reputation cost is getting from "Liked" to "Idolised", making that transition much more difficult for each faction.

Edited by AxlDave
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